Sadly I finally figured out that the cloth diapers are causing diaper rash. I'm on vacation and I am using disposables for the week bc no way to wash cloth. Anyway, no diaper rash all week. DD has diaper rash really often at home : I can't believe it's the CD giving her the rash... I use rockin green diaper detergent and I'm hoping this is the problem. I have also tried soap nuts but don't think they clean too well. I change her pretty often at home, every 2.5 hrs...
Please help!!
What detergent are you using?
Do you think my detergent is the problem?
Thanks for your help!
Re: Cloth diapers Rash
Your DD could be sensitive to the soap. I'm between detergents (currently using Tide powder which I do not love) so I don't have a good suggestion for that.
What CD's are you using? BG 4.0's and some Alva's I think have suedecloth lining, and som
Since you have a mix of diapers I'd try a detergent switch first. I think I've seen TinyBubbles recommended for babies with sensitive skin, but maybe someone else will chime in about that.
If you don't see an improvement then try taking
Are you also giving DD some diaper free time? Also, you may need to change even more frequently than every 2.5 hours.
DS went through a stage when he was sensitive to wetness and to his own poops. This went on for about 2 months before everything