In what I can only assume will be the repeating song of our first trimester, we again had an over the weekend issue. This time instead of spotting it was a light flow that lasted all day. No cramping, no pain, and her pregnancy symptoms continued in full force.
We had a dating ultrasound set for tomorrow, but we called the nurse line yesterday to try and have it moved up and we got in this am.
All is well. Again. They were able to measure the baby at 7w1D (which is off by over a week from her LMP which had her at over 8w) and the heartbeat came in at 143 beats per minute - up from 115 last Monday.
They looked around for a cause of the bleeding and nothing was found. So we're still kind of uneasy about that. But we're just hoping that if it comes back maybe this time it will not do so on a Sunday when we can't do anything - and HOPEFULLY decides to clear up before we leave for Italy in 3 weeks.
Re: A Crazy 36 Hours.... {{Redux}}
Hopefully it is still some implantation going on or a cyst of some sort. Sometimes that just can't be explained.
But the heartbeat going up since the last visit....that is really all I would care about, as that really is the measure that they use to tell how strong the embryo is that first trimester.
Yeah, certainly does keep the nerves on edge. But with no cramping and pain, I think you guys are fine. I read that a percentage of women have bleeding the whole 9 months, so I will hope that is not the case for you guys!!
Forgot to include this in my response. The heartbeat of 115 had me a little nervous when you posted last time. Good to see that go up.