Attachment Parenting

EC parents come in! Help Needed!!

Okay so we have been working with the potty with my son since he was 6months old and we were doing really good, catching most (not all, he goes to daycare) pees and poops on the potty. In the last weeks we have moved him to his crib in his bedroom from a bassinet type thing in our bedroom. We have also got him on a good sleep and nap schedule finally. These last few weeks our potty success has gone downhill. I know that has to do with our new routine but is there anything I can do to get back on track? What have you done in the past or are doing now that you may feel contributes to having more success during the day? What does your daily routine look like?

(I don?t know if it matters but we use the ASL sign for toilet when he is on the potty and he has begun making the sign back to us but I think he is getting it confused with waving. I have been seeing him make the sign and rushing him to the potty with success at time and nothing other times)


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Re: EC parents come in! Help Needed!!

  • My baby is 13 months old and I think there's a sort of "regression" that happens around that time naturally because we went through the same thing (I don't aggressively EC though). To keep him interested, I bought decals for the inside of the toilet seat for him to look at, started giving him books to read, stuff like that. But that was because it was "boring" for him to sit on the toilet vs playing with his toys! 


    I kind of mentally had to remind myself not to put too much pressure on it and eventually he started going more often again (around a year maybe).


    I'm impressed yours is making the sign! The only sign I can get out of mine is "milk" so far. 


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  • Just keep at it and respect his choice "miss". There are indeed regressions (DS1 went from about 90% catches at 10 months to like 10% when baby brother was born at 19 months), and they can be frustrating, but remember that the heart of EC is communication and not diapers vs. potty. Once he settles in to his new routine, you will probably get in sync again. As for routine--offering right before and after sleep, car rides, meals, and being worn can be helpful mental triggers.
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