How many times do I have to tell you that NOTHING fun happens at four thirty in the morning? Seriously. This is the time of the morning when you still have at least two hours of sleep left. Enjoy them. It's not wake up and play time. It's not time for Dora, she's still asleep. And it's definitely not time for mommy. Definitely not.
Your tired mommy
This morning we turned the monitor down and just let him play. He played quietly until six thirty. Yes, I'm a neglectful mother. At least he has tons of books and toys to occupy him. And hey, no tv. That's a good thing.
Re: My dearest William,
Um, I have done this.
If he cries, I go to him...if he's playing...well, I just figure he wants some Landon-time. And I'm more than happy to give it to him.
Sorry about your early morning!