Hi, ladies! I am so excited to see this board on TB.
My husband was homeschooled from first grade until he went to college. He is a police officer and currently getting his masters degree.
I began homeschooling as a tenth grader, and was able to graduate early and become an RN by 19. Homeschooling has given both of us so many opportunities that we would not have otherwise had, and we are so excited to begin with our son.
I was a pediatric nurse for 5 years until I had my son and I am now (and probably forever more!) a SAHM. I volunteer at a community health clinic to keep up my nursing skills, but I truly can't imagine returning to the field now that my son is here.
We will likely begin "Tot School" ala 1+1=1 blog next fall. For now, we read a TON, do a lot of art and sensory exercises.
I am looking forward to learning from you all and being active on this board!
Re: Hello! Intro from second generation homeschool family.
Thanks! He was a month old there, and isn't very squishy anymore! He started at ten pounds at birth, and is just 22 at 15 months- a peanut!
Your LO is adorable. How do you feel the age gap is between then? I want a similar age gap and love hearing from moms living it!
My Ovulation Chart
That does sound ideal
Was your son potty trained before the new little one came along? I am such a planner, and I am thinking of starting in a 3-6 months. He already goes on the "potty" for #2, and brings me diapers to change him when he is wet- hoping that is a sign he will PT easier but I would really like for it to be done before the next little one.
My Ovulation Chart