2. Right click on it and go down to "Properties". Cut and Paste the URL.
3. In another browser/tab, go to www.tinypic.com. Upload as a URL and select "message board" as the size. Follow instructions until you get the codes. Choose the one for message boards.
4. Save this code to notepad or to a word document.
5. Go to The Knot. Log in from there and choose "My account" then "Change my avatar".
6. Copy and paste code from tinypic into the signature block towards the bottom of the page.
7. Save at least 5 times. I"m not joking. Everytime it you hit "save" it erases the code from the page, so you need to keep pasting it then hitting "save". It takes that many times to kick in. Keep refreshing this page and checking your post for the new siggy. It'll eventually show up.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
2. Right click on it and go down to "Properties". Cut and Paste the URL.
3. In another browser/tab, go to www.tinypic.com. Upload as a URL and select "message board" as the size. Follow instructions until you get the codes. Choose the one for message boards.
4. Save this code to notepad or to a word document.
5. Go to The Knot. Log in from there and choose "My account" then "Change my avatar".
6. Copy and paste code from tinypic into the signature block towards the bottom of the page.
7. Save at least 5 times. I"m not joking. Everytime it you hit "save" it erases the code from the page, so you need to keep pasting it then hitting "save". It takes that many times to kick in. Keep refreshing this page and checking your post for the new siggy. It'll eventually show up.
This is what I do. It took me about 8 timrd of pressing the save button about 72 times before it worked for me today.
"I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."
2. Right click on it and go down to "Properties". Cut and Paste the URL.
3. In another browser/tab, go to www.tinypic.com. Upload as a URL and select "message board" as the size. Follow instructions until you get the codes. Choose the one for message boards.
4. Save this code to notepad or to a word document.
5. Go to The Knot. Log in from there and choose "My account" then "Change my avatar".
6. Copy and paste code from tinypic into the signature block towards the bottom of the page.
7. Save at least 5 times. I"m not joking. Everytime it you hit "save" it erases the code from the page, so you need to keep pasting it then hitting "save". It takes that many times to kick in. Keep refreshing this page and checking your post for the new siggy. It'll eventually show up.
This is what I do. It took me about 8 timrd of pressing the save button about 72 times before it worked for me today.
Five times and it worked!! I love this one but it moves a little fast! I might have to dig back and find the one you put up for me from the Kiss You video a week or so ago, Betty!
Re: I feel like a newb...but question inside!
1. Find a pic you like.
2. Right click on it and go down to "Properties". Cut and Paste the URL.
3. In another browser/tab, go to www.tinypic.com. Upload as a URL and select "message board" as the size. Follow instructions until you get the codes. Choose the one for message boards.
4. Save this code to notepad or to a word document.
5. Go to The Knot. Log in from there and choose "My account" then "Change my avatar".
6. Copy and paste code from tinypic into the signature block towards the bottom of the page.
7. Save at least 5 times. I"m not joking. Everytime it you hit "save" it erases the code from the page, so you need to keep pasting it then hitting "save". It takes that many times to kick in. Keep refreshing this page and checking your post for the new siggy. It'll eventually show up.
Unable to even.
You don't understand the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch / think he's fug / don't know who he is? WATCH SHERLOCK. Until you do, your negative opinion of him will not be taken seriously.
This is what I do. It took me about 8 timrd of pressing the save button about 72 times before it worked for me today.
"I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."
Five times and it worked!! I love this one but it moves a little fast! I might have to dig back and find the one you put up for me from the Kiss You video a week or so ago, Betty!
"I stammered, unable to form a coherent thought because I have a vagina."