Two Under 2

Diaper Bag for 2U2?

I've been using a Skip/Hop Messenger bag for DS since he was born.  I realized yesterday that I'm not going to have enough room for two sets of diapers/extra clothes/baby junk in that bag. 

Req your diaper bag that helps keep you organized and sane while out and about with your 2U2!!

Re: Diaper Bag for 2U2?

  • I love my Ju Ju Be BFF.  So organized, easy to find stuff and it holds enough for 2.  I carry only enough for a few hours.  About 3 diapers for my daughter, 5 diapers for my son, wipes, nursing cover, changes of clothes for each of them, small blanket, burp cloth, and my K'Tan. I also have a few other small things too like boogie wipes, pacifiers, bibs, etc.  I am so so happy with this bag.  
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    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
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  • I've been using the jujube BFF for my one kid (I'm lately expecting in nov.) and it's always full. I think that's b/c I can fill any bag to the brim with my stuff, now matter how large it is.

    However, I also love the BFF. And it's got really cute patterns out now that didn't exist when I got mine.

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  • If you use disposable diapers the BFF is the way to go.  If you CD or hoard things in your diaper bag look into the JuJuBe Be Prepared.  It's huge and works great for 2 in cloth.  There is a YouTube video that compare the BFF with the be prepared bag.  It really shows the size difference between the two to help you get a feel for both bags.
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  • Also looking to get the BFF - what designs do ya'll like?

    BFP 5/21/10, Missed m/c 7/5/10 at 11w3d (baby measured 7wks), D&C 7/7/10

    Aug/Sept 2010 - CD3&10 b/w & u/s, genetic testing, SA, HSG, & Lap/Hyst to remove septum

    12/09/10 BFP -- 7/05/11 DS born at 33w5d. Came home after 23d in NICU at 37w0d

    June 2012 - TTC #2! -- 10/05/12 BFP --  5/23/13 DS2 born at 37w1d! Yay full term!

    Surprise BFP 6/25/14 LO#3 due Feb2015!

  • imageMommy2CB:
    Also looking to get the BFF - what designs do ya'll like?

    I got Royal Envy.  I love it! 

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    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
    Team Green turned Team Pink with #1, Team Green turned Team Blue with #2, Team Green turned Team Pink again with #3
  • I tried the JuJuBe BFF and I hated it. Everyone on TB says it's the best bag and I just couldn't like it for some reason. 

    I used the JJ Cole Mode Tote and I loved it! A tote style bag worked so much better for me so I could just quickly reach in and grab anything I needed. It fit so much stuff! 

  • imagekagl08:

    I tried the JuJuBe BFF and I hated it. Everyone on TB says it's the best bag and I just couldn't like it for some reason. 

    I used the JJ Cole Mode Tote and I loved it! A tote style bag worked so much better for me so I could just quickly reach in and grab anything I needed. It fit so much stuff! 

    I was looking at this one in BRU the other day! I am planning on getting a JJB BFF too but thought this one looked nice, and it's so much cheaper (plus I don't really like any of the BFF patterns available right now)... 

    Is there really enough room for 2 kiddo's stuff? It seemed a little tight to me... what do you keep in your bag on average? DD will be 18months when DS comes in June.

    Proud babywearing, breastfeeding, vaccinating SAHM of 2U2!
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  • imageclizh:

    I tried the JuJuBe BFF and I hated it. Everyone on TB says it's the best bag and I just couldn't like it for some reason. 

    I used the JJ Cole Mode Tote and I loved it! A tote style bag worked so much better for me so I could just quickly reach in and grab anything I needed. It fit so much stuff! 

    I was looking at this one in BRU the other day! I am planning on getting a JJB BFF too but thought this one looked nice, and it's so much cheaper (plus I don't really like any of the BFF patterns available right now)... 

    Is there really enough room for 2 kiddo's stuff? It seemed a little tight to me... what do you keep in your bag on average? DD will be 18months when DS comes in June.

    When I used this bag I packed it full. We don't really use a diaper bag anymore. When I did use it it was packed with bottle, bottles of water, formula, 3 diapers for each kid (so 6 total), wipes, extra outfit for baby, bibs, toys, my wallet, burp cloths, diaper cream, snacks. Those front pockets were perfect for storing little things like diaper cream, wallet, phone, keys. I never had an issue fitting anything in this bag.

    I did get the BFF. I tried my hardest to like it and I tried to fit everything in it, but it didn't even fit what I needed to. Plus it had to be zippered closed, and I like immediate access to everything, which the BFF didn't offer. And the backpack thing I just didn't like. It was awkward and I didn't like it.  

  • I love using a large backpack with 3 sections. I tried many different diaper bags, but a backpack works better for us. Its huge and i can still hold a baby on my hip while wearing it. Plus the hubby doesn't mind holding it for me.
  • I ditched traditional diaper bags, and just got a huge tote.  I was sick of carrying a diaper bag and wanted something more stylish because I wasn't going to carry a purse and diaper bag.  So I got a large tote and threw a small clutch in there that I can just grab if I don't want to bring my big bag.  To keep organized, I split the girls' diapers into gallon Ziploc bags with their names on them.  I did the same thing with extra outfits.  Good luck!     
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  • Thanks for all the responses - still lots of research to do!
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