Dads & Dads-to-be

Monday is a Funday!!

My wife packs up the boys bag for daycare this morning, even though I normally do it because he is my responsibility in the morning.  So I think, "awwwwwww.....isn't she sweet this morning!"

So, I get to daycare, and I see that she never put his bottles in the bag.  So now I have to get back into the morning rush to go home, get his bottles, and bring them back to his school.  That was fun times before work....

She wasn't being so sweet afterall this morning.  Lesson learned!



Re: Monday is a Funday!!

  • imagepolooo26:
    Smart. Taking on a chore and then messing up so she gets banned from ever doing it again. Did she find your "How to be a real man" handbook?

    No doubt!  She is a good student, watching me all these years. Sabotaged, on a Monday morning no less! 

    But to see my boys face light up when I showed up back at school when he was not expecting to see me made it worth it.


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