DS will be 21 months when our new bean will be born.... I am already feeling so exhausted and so far behind in all the house work etc (I know from feeling sick and 1st tri exhaustion). I start to think that once LO is born it won't be much different. If we decide to have a 3rd like we org planned, we also want them close in age....(I turn 35 in July and don't want to wait between kids for long at all due to heightened risks) but now when I think about it, I get scared I will NEVER get things under wraps and I will be so overwhelmed and limited with 3 so young. (my neighbor was done at 2 and had an oopsie.... she is always stressed, depressed, and in a bad mood) I never want to be at that point. Did you change your game plan after #2 came?
Re: Did having 2 U 2 change the # of kids you wanted?
Now after having my DD who is a hard and intense baby, I'd like a bigger spacing rather than another 2u2.
I'm of the mindset of getting it all over with while I'm in the thick of babyhood.
Yes, sort of. My DS was born a preemie and we almost lost him. There were a host of issue with the end of my pregnancy, his birth and the 1st 6 months of his life. It was the most insane, heartbreaking and exhausting time in my life. I do not wish to do that again. Plus, having another and risking what happened to DS happening to another LO seems irresponsible. I'd never forgive myself.
We always wanted 3 and it's taken a lot of soul searching to realize we need to stop at 2. Having 2u2 didn't really change our want to have a 3rd. We were still thinking about it well into our 2nd pregnancy. Having a preemie absolutely changed it. So we are finished with 2.
I just wanted to say something a little unrelated.
I just went lurking through the January 13 board. I see these things that they are so stressed about, the lack of sleep, the crying, etc. And I can't believe that I went through that 10 months ago. Because it gets better and it gets easier and it's all a phase.
It'll be years before our homes are always tidy, but it'll eventually become a disaster slower and our babies will need us less and it won't be so bad.
I actually feel like having babies close together gets the exhausting part over with faster.
So what I'm going to try and remember for the next two years as I'm pregnant and have another infant so that it'll pass and things will be easier.
I guess it depends on your personality and how you take on challenges.
Like pp said it could be PPD that is making her act the way she is.
Eleanor 9.30.13
No, this is totally related!!! I am a January 13 mama myself, and I can totally attest to the fact that these last two months have rocked my world so hard. Yes, there's a whole lot of joy, but a whole lot of difficulty as well.
For the past two months, I've been saying that yes, we're done. And I've always said I wanted 5 or 6 kids!! I am just now getting to the point (like, in the last couple of days) that I can possibly see more in our future. That is, if hubby agrees.