This is a bit of a weird question, but I'm going to ask it here, as I think that you all will have the best answers.
I ebf my first son, and have a great incentive to do the same with these twins. Ds was mspi and the only formula he could tolerate was elecare. I don't think we could afford it for two babies! So, as I said, I'm highly motivated, but at the same time, scared that it won't work out. But, really, to my question, it's really more of a logistics one. We have a townhome, and at first I will probably be in our room nursing the babies overnight. But eventually I'll have to start doing things in their room because I like having my room back after awhile. Right now we have a regular glider in ds' room that we intended to put in the new baby's room when we thought there was just one. Did anyone tandem nurse in a regular glider? If so, where did you put baby A while you're putting baby B back in the crib? I know, this is such a stupid question. I really, really don't want to buy a chair and a half glider. Boy, that was a novel.
Re: Ebfing logistics question
TTC since 2005
missed miscarriage nov 2006- 4 failed clomid cycles-
3 failed femara iui cycles-
moving on to IVF oct 2011
ER nov. 7th
tansfered 2 blasts on 11/10
lots of +hpt!!
beta #1 on 11/21= 50.4
beta #2 on11/23= 90.8
another miscarriage 12/23
moving on to Round 2 of IVF with an auto immune dx
ER 4/23-retrieved 12 eggs
ET 4/28 3 transfered
Beta #1- 356
Beta #2- 870
Emerson Lily 6 lbs 13 oz & Ellis Willow 6 lbs 9 oz
I think this would be ideal, but my first was such a pokey little nurser, that I don't think I'd ever get to sleep at all, much less the 4 broken hours I might get if I tandem nurse. I'm just crossing my fingers and lining up LCs that nursing works out at all.