
Ebfing logistics question

This is a bit of a weird question, but I'm going to ask it here, as I think that you all will have the best answers. 

I ebf my first son, and have a great incentive to do the same with these twins. Ds was mspi and the only formula he could tolerate was elecare. I don't think we could afford it for two babies! So, as I said, I'm highly motivated, but at the same time, scared that it won't work out. But, really, to my question, it's really more of a logistics one. We have a townhome, and at first I will probably be in our room nursing the babies overnight. But eventually I'll have to start doing things in their room because I like having my room back after awhile. Right now we have a regular glider in ds' room that we intended to put in the new baby's room when we thought there was just one. Did anyone tandem nurse in a regular glider? If so, where did you put baby A while you're putting baby B back in the crib? I know, this is such a stupid question. I really, really don't want to buy a chair and a half glider. Boy, that was a novel. 

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Re: Ebfing logistics question

  • When I'm by myself I tandem nurse them on the floor in my living room so I can get them out of the bouncers and back in them and be with my 3 year old.  Not sure how to do it safely on a couch or glider.  Maybe someone else will have a good suggestion.  :)
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  • I tandem nurse the boys in their room before bed, we dont' have anything in there that's wide enough, so I just sit on the floor. I sit cross legged and put the boppy across my lap, which gives them the height they need, then I can support their butts with my hands. When we're done I gently roll one of them off, get up with the second one and put him to bed, then come back for the first and put him to bed. If it helps, I always keep the babies on the side closest to their individual cribs, so I don't have to trip over a baby in a darkened room.
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  • i tandem nurse in my bed with the brestfriend twin pillow, much easier than anything else I tried
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  • Thanks ladies! I've watched YouTube videos about tandem nursing, but it's usually done on a couch, so it's very helpful to hear your experiences. 
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  • While I had plans to tandem nurse, I just found it overall easier logistically and for my own comfort to nurse one put them back down and then wake and nurse the other.  Occasionally they both wake up together but 95% the time my way works and is almost as quick as tandem nursing since it requires less setup times, etc


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  • imageJodiAriel:
    While I had plans to tandem nurse, I just found it overall easier logistically and for my own comfort to nurse one put them back down and then wake and nurse the other.  Occasionally they both wake up together but 95% the time my way works and is almost as quick as tandem nursing since it requires less setup times, etc

    I think this would be ideal, but my first was such a pokey little nurser, that I don't think I'd ever get to sleep at all, much less the 4 broken hours I might get if I tandem nurse. I'm just crossing my fingers and lining up LCs that nursing works out at all. 

    Mom to Jacob, Henry and Ian Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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