I'm at my whits end. DS is not transitioning to this move well. The night before last was 3 or 4 wake ups. Last night he was up from 1am-3am (ish). His room shares a wall with the neighbors and you can hear everything, it must be their bathroom, because I could even hear the vent fan turn on and then off.
I'm tired and angry. I don't know what to do to help him. He just screams. H is no help because he has to leave for work so early. I've tried talking to DS and telling him not to scream to just say "Mama, I need you". but he's two, so yeah, that's not working.
I've been sleeping on the floor in DD's room so that H and I don't wake each other up. DD sleeps with me. She won't sleep anywhere else. But all of DS's waking up has been waking her up too. Last night I pulled him into her crib and finally he fell asleep. He was still up for the day by 5:30 (old time). So we were all in the same room together.
Any help out there??? I need him to sleep, I need to sleep. I wake up mad at him but I know it's not his fault. Then I get angry w/H for moving us and changing everything up.
I'm looking at him right now and he just looks so tired. Not sure if this makes any sense...
Re: 2 year old not sleeping well after move
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
Sadly it's not quieter. The walls are thin and it shares one with the master. So when h is getting ready at 2am everything can be heard
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019
No. We just have the three rooms. Boo
DS: 11/1/2010 DD: 8/9/2012 #3: 4/2019