The night before last, DD was up all night - whining, tossing & turning. Yesterday she was crabby, disagreeable, clingy, and barely ate. this morning she was so grouchy and "off" again that she stayed home from daycare.
She has a wet cough, but no other symptoms. No runny nose, fever...
I tried to peak in her mouth. I think that I see some bumps in the back, but couldn't see clearly.
Does this sound like 2 year molars?
Re: WDYT? 2 year molars?
P has had a wet cough for a good 3 weeks now. I took him to the pedi office last night and they found some fluid in his left ear (he never even tugged on his ear or showed any indication that it was bothering him). They put him on an antibiotic. The doc thinks that the fluid from his ear is causing his congestion/cough and that hopefully he will show signed of improvement in a few days.
He had the same (non existant) symptoms as your dd has. (no runny nose, fever, etc.), but is very clingy, tempermental and whiny. He IS getting his 2yr molars in as well. The bottom two are halfway in and the upper two are a quarter of the way in.
Huh. Now I am wondering. She had 6 ear infections last winter, I think (maybe 5? a lot!), and we got to recognize the symptoms... but maybe now that she's bigger they've changed? She had a cold a couple of weeks ago, so an EI wouldn't be that weird.
I guess we'll watch her for a few more days and see what happens. They typically have us wait a few days before giving antibiotics anyway.
Good luck. I hope your right and it's NOT an ear infection. P doesn't get them very often, so that is what took me so long to take him in, in the first place. I feel bad now for waiting so long, but how was I to know.
I hope she is back to her normal happy self soon!