So, as I started to suspect this week, my daughter didn't qualify for speech. There is a delay, but at this point not enough for her o qualify. The evaluators actually do think that within the next month or so it will all come together. Especially since she has made such progress since I called.
They did say her fine motor & social were her definite strengths-especially at how well she plays.
Re: Early invention update
Maybe she is just waiting until she has something good to say. My mom said I hardly spoke until I could say sentences. Like I wanted to get it right the first time.
DS was like this. I was afraid he was behind because he barely said mama. Everything was dada and dog. That was it. At 23 or 24 months his speech took off!
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
I know I was a nervous nelly. When I called a few weeks ago, she had a few words--not many and some signs. My daughter was born at the same time as a lot of my friends' girls and as a first time mom and 7 other baby girls to compare too--she just seemed behind. Especially at 21 months--she wasn't even saying dad yet.
After I made the call, her language started to pick up some--but I realized that (and I get that this is probably personality driven)--the words she does know how to be perfect sounding. And words like "dada" "baba", etc--she never even was interested in saying.
They did say her language was probably around 17 months but it seems like in the next few weeks everything will click into place.
I was just relieved to hear everything!