Pre-School and Daycare

Toys...Toys... TOYS!

Our girls are 2 1/2 years apart they basically play the same things. We have weeded out most of the 'baby/toddler toys'. However, I STILL feel over run with them. 

My Mother-in-law is generous... too generous. We have asked that gifts be limited to the 4 gift rule we follow in our house (Want, Need, Wear, Read). She does not follow. I would even be OK if she just scaled back to a handful of gifts. I don't want to seem rude but DH and I really don't want 10-15 gifts per each kid. 

Now, we obviously are respectful and can't say no once she has shown them to the kids. So there are dozens of unplayed with toys. 

Is is rude to donate or sell? How long should something 'stay' in ones house before doing this?

I have found the fewer the toys the better the girls play. Ugh... I sound so ungrateful which isn't what I really want to be!  

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Re: Toys...Toys... TOYS!

  • I have the same issue with MIL and toys. She just doesn't care, and sometimes we end up with two of things. I try to rotate toys in and out so that they get used and no feelings get hurt. Set out however many toys you like to be out and store the rest for x amount of months. Then take the toys that are out and rotate them out with the ones that are stored. I have found it keeps my boys more interested in their toys when they have "new" toys to play with every few months.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • It is not rude to get rid of stuff, it is rude to try to outdo parents and get way too much. I would again tell MIL that you have too much stuff and are spring cleaning and going forward will not be keeping as much as you did in the past. Tell her that you are explaining to the kids of a new one in one out rule that if they get something they will donate or sell something and if it is sold you will put the money into their savings account. Ask her that going forward if she can consider getting less for the kids so that they do not have to purge so much and they can appreciate it more.

    Does she ever ask for ideas? I started giving my Mom more expensive ideas so the quantity got less.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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  • It isn't rude to donate it but I wouldn't sell it. There are a lot of kids and women's shelters in need. She buys stuff because she enjoys the act of buying it, frankly your children are secondary in her thought process. I would have your husband tell his mother that he is unhappy with how much stuff you guys have in general and that he is going to purge and institute the rule that every new toy in means an old toy donated or the new toy maybe donated. Your kids will be better off and so will your MIL's pocketbook. Or he can just tell her you guys are purging and ask her not to buy stuff and every time she does, he can have the same talk with her away from the kids and you can donate anyway.

    Strongly suggest your husband talks tohis mom and you stay no where near the conconversation.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We donate most toys immediately before they are ever opened.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have the same issue and DH has tried to talk to his parents many, many times and now my SIL is going through the same thing times 2 as she has twin boys!  My MIL has started asking me about many of the gifts for the girls now before she buys so I can get my say in although she doesn't always listen but I at least can let her know what I think they will use and what they won't.  She asks for a list so I can get very specific and hope she follows.  Bottom line is she is out of control and we just donate stuff that we know the girls won't use (or in the case of the nasty play make-up kit, the girls never knew about it as she had given us a bunch of gifts to give for Hanukkah but wasn't here to see them open it and we donated it before they saw it).  She has a neighbor who is always bringing stuff over for us and I laugh at the comments my MIL makes as they are many of the things I want to say about the brand new stuff she buys us.  She is getting better with my girls due to the lists that I provide.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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