Our girls are 2 1/2 years apart they basically play the same things. We have weeded out most of the 'baby/toddler toys'. However, I STILL feel over run with them.
My Mother-in-law is generous... too generous. We have asked that gifts be limited to the 4 gift rule we follow in our house (Want, Need, Wear, Read). She does not follow. I would even be OK if she just scaled back to a handful of gifts. I don't want to seem rude but DH and I really don't want 10-15 gifts per each kid.
Now, we obviously are respectful and can't say no once she has shown them to the kids. So there are dozens of unplayed with toys.
Is is rude to donate or sell? How long should something 'stay' in ones house before doing this?
I have found the fewer the toys the better the girls play. Ugh... I sound so ungrateful which isn't what I really want to be!
Re: Toys...Toys... TOYS!
Does she ever ask for ideas? I started giving my Mom more expensive ideas so the quantity got less.
Strongly suggest your husband talks tohis mom and you stay no where near the conconversation.