
Baby Monitor for Twins?

DH and I keep going back and forth on what the best monitor(s) would be to get for the twins.  We are considering the AngelCare with movement sensors, but heard we have to get two different monitors or the Motorola MBP36 which we would have to get with two cameras.  Both cost around the $300-$350 mark once all is said and done, I just feel like thats an insane amount of money to spend on monitor(s.)  Or is it?

Do any of you MoMs have suggestions on a baby monitor; doesnt have to be video or movement -  that you loved and was affordable?  TIA!

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Re: Baby Monitor for Twins?

  • Snuza Movement monitors are really the only thing on the market that can work for two babies on the same surface (sleeping in the same crib, cosleeper, bassinet, etc.) and can move to the RockNPlay, the PackNPlay, etc.  You can use it in conjunction with an audio or an audio/video monitor of your choosing to amplify the sound if they're sleeping in another room. 
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  • Summer infant bestview. If cribs are next to eachother you only need 1 camera. It pans and zooms. 179 i believe and you can use 20 off coupon.
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  • We love our Motorola video. We got it for 179 but used out completion coupon from BRU that saved us something like 30 bucks. We are just now purchasing the second camera with gift cards from friends since the babies are now in separate cribs. Honestly I love it. Don't see the need for the angelcare in my mind it would drive me nuts. But again that's IMO.
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  • We got two angel care movement and sound monitors on amazon for $90 each. 
  • We got the Motorola one with the 2 cameras at BRU.  It's great because I can see them in the separate cribs and when they are older we can use one camera in the playroom and one in their room.  It was about $275 and lately I have noticed BRU occasionally has Motorola monitors on sale. BRU is the only store that carries it already packaged with 2 cameras.


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  • LOVE our Motorola with the two cameras. I really didn't want to spend the money but DH was all about it (he loves gadgets). I'm so glad we have them. It's so nice to be able to just peak at them on the monitor when they start fussing to see if we really have to get up or if they will just go back to sleep on their own. For example if my pacifier junkie makes a sound I can look at the monitor and of her pack is out of her mouth I know I have to run in and replace it before she really gets going, if it's still in there I can relax.

    ETA: if you use your completion discount and the 20% off regular priced item at BRU, you can save a lot. 

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  • I really like the Motorola monitor. I got it from Target when they were having a gift card deal. I used a pharmacy reward to get 5 off, my RedCard to get another 5 off and free shipping, and a 50 gift card back from Target.
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