I know we have discussed the names of Taylor and Natalie Hanson's five children before, their latest choice being Wilhelmina. Natalie is the guest blogger for today's nameberry article. Enjoy!
I was pleasantly surprised when I heard their baby name choice. We named our daughter Wilhelmina a month or so before. We call our little girl Mina instead of Willa.
I love the name Wilhelmina, and I like the nn Willa even more. I doubt H would ever be on board with it, but there is something special about this name.
I was pleasantly surprised when I heard their baby name choice. We named our daughter Wilhelmina a month or so before. We call our little girl Mina instead of Willa.
Thanks for sharing the article!
Haven't read the article yet, but I am ridiculously excited to. Little known fact about me I am a HUGE Hanson fan. I adore them. Did you read how issac met his wife? THAT COULD'VE BEEN ME!!!
Re: Natalie Hanson Talks Name Choice (LIP).
Thanks for sharing the article!
Baby boy 7.10.13
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!