Cloth Diapering

Stash Questions

I've been lurking on this board for several months, and finally have some questions of my own!

I'll preface this by saying that I'm really trying to be a minimalist when it comes to buying CD. I know this board typically advocates buying lots of cute fluff, and while I'd love to do just that, it's really not feasible for me. Also, diaper trials/services are not an option due to where I live. All my diaper purchases are made either online (and I'm in Canada, so my options are more limited unless I want to pay a lot for shipping) or in the one local store that carries CD.

I'm planning to only use prefolds and covers as I'd like to keep things simple. From what I've read/heard/experienced, those are the most flexible in terms of use/fit and easiest to wash (not to mention the most cost-effective). I'm not worried about complexity of changes as I'll be home for a year with baby and therefore the primary diaper-changer. DH is very open to using prefolds/covers (he's even more frugal than I am so just wants whatever is cheapest!), he has pretty much no experience with changing diapers so either way it'll be a learning curve for him. And the next most likely to be changing diapers will be my parents, who used old-school flats, plastic pants and pins for my brother and I so it'll be no big deal for them!

When I go back to work, we will likely have to switch to using cloth only part-time, as I strongly suspect that whatever daycare we end up with will only be open to using disposable. However, I'll cross that bridge when we get there!

I'm mostly wondering if what I have (or am planning to have...I haven't purchased all of this yet) will be enough, especially in the newborn phase. We're planning to use disposables in the hospital and switch to cloth when we get home. I'm fully expecting to have a bigger baby (8-10lbs likely!), based on family history and how he's been measuring so far.

I'm planning to wash EOD...possibly every 1.5days in the newborn phase if necessary.

Here is what I have / will have...

Note: I'll probably end up buying some large/baby Bummis later (6-12?), but was planning to hold off until I need them.
- 24 small/infant Bummis
- 12 Econobums (I know these are huge...I'm planning to save them for later on)
- 6 Osocozy flats (mostly planning to use these as burp clothes, but figured they could also be back-up diapers if I run out while washing)

Note: I was planning to stick mainly with OS snap covers as I'd like to get as much use as possible out of them and also have them last for the next baby!
- 3 Econobums (once again, I realize that these run big and likely won't fit until later)
- 2 Rumparooz OS (based on what I've read/heard, these have the best chance of fitting early on)
- 2 Blueberry Coveralls
- 1-2 Flip OS
Another note: I think I'll have plenty of covers for later on, but I'm concerned that I'll be short early on (especially in the newborn phase). I'm debating between getting a few small sized covers, or just waiting to see how it goes. Advice please!

- a couple Snappis
- some fleece liners (probably 5 to start, still debating whether to buy the Bummi ones or make my own)
- 2 large, 1 medium and 1 small Planetwise wet bags
- baby washcloths to use as wipes (is 4 dozen excessive? I figure they'll also get used for cleaning spit-up, wiping hands off, etc.)
- spray bottle for wetting wipes
- CD-safe diaper cream
- Nellie's detergent and dryer balls

Thank you! Especially if you made it through this whole post! Smile

Re: Stash Questions

  • We use Bummis prefolds and covers in my house. We've been CDing my nephew since he was 4 months (he's 10 months now) and my LO since birth (she's one month now).

     Most of everything we bought is from (in Windsor, ON - yay for being Canadian).

    For newborn stage we had:
    18 newborn/preemie prefolds
    2 covers

    My baby was born at 8lbs 14oz, left the hospital at 8lbs and she used these diapers for maybe 2 weeks. We had to upsize to the infant size since she would saturate the prefold within an hour (polly pee pee pants). So we went through these in a day and we would use sposies while everything was in the wash. I'm glad I didn't buy anymore covers since she was only in them for 2 weeks. Also, if she got any poop on the cover I would hand wash it and hang it to dry since I only had the 2. Also, the covers have the notch at the front for the umbilical stump, I found that the cover would still sometimes irritate it though. To be honest, she was in them for such a short period of time I would have just done disposables had I known. I was also expecting a much smaller baby lol. However, they were a gift and they will be used on any future kiddos.

    Now she's in the "infant" size, we have 30 prefolds and 4 covers exclusively for her (nephew is in baby size). This is perfect to get us through to wash day which we do every 1.5 to 2 days.

    My nephew is in the baby size (which is supposed to get your through to PT) and we have 30 prefolds and I think 4 covers. He doesn't need to get changed as often so only half of the prefolds are in rotation, the other half will come out when my LO is in the same size. Therefore, for one baby who will be going down to part-time CDing I wouldn't get 30 prefolds.

     Bummis has a newborn/preemie package ($50), infant package and baby package ($200 each) which we bought and then we got more packages of prefolds.

    Last but not least, I think you're spot on for the accessories. I have 20 bummis fleece liners but that's because my heavy wetter hates feeling wet (and changing her every 30 to 60 mins is getting old quick). 

  • Can you get your hands on some Thirsties size 1 covers?

    If you can, those start out fairly small and will last longer (18lbs I think).  I would just be concerned that the one-size will not fit right away and you will have more issues than you want.

    The Flips will definately not fit at birth.  Mine didn't have a good fit until around 3 months, but I had peanut of a baby (7lbs).

    I think you're good for diapers.  You can always use the Flats in a pinch.

    As a side note, you could always hold off on buy that many one-size covers and get some smaller sized covers. 

    Other thoughts:

    Snappi - you only really need 2

    Wipes - 36 is usually enough, but 48 is not excessive


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  • Thanks ladies, your responses were very helpful! I think I'll stick to my plan for the prefolds/flats and accessories, but re-think the covers a bit. I already have the Econobum covers, but maybe I'll just get one of each of the other 3 OS covers. I can always buy some more later if I find that I need more or prefer one cover!

    I think I'll take your advice and pick up a couple newborn/smaller covers too, I want to make sure that I have something that will work early on and don't want to be stuck with disposables. I'm not sure which one I'll go with though...I had been looking at the RaR newborn ones as they have multiple rise settings, but I just noticed that the Thirsties size 1s do too. And I'm also going to the Bummi store in Mtl this weekend so maybe I'll just see if they have any good deals on newborn or small covers!
  • I'd say looks good. :) I'm pretty minimalist too, although we did newborn prefolds/covers and are now in OS pockets. 

     I had a small LO (6 lb 8oz) and Thirsties x-small and Bummi's small covers worked well for me until 8 weeks or so. I LOVED the Thirsties x-small, so I would maybe suggest one or two of those just to make sure you have a good, tight fit for that first month+. I found my newborn stash for about $50 used at a local CD resale. Maybe the same could work for you too!

     Best of luck. Have fun! 

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