Cloth Diapering

So proud of DH!

I don't post here much but lurk and have asked a few questions. Anyway, I bought a used stash for baby#3 coming this summer but have been using the Flips for DD2 since she's still in diapers. DH was super duper WAY against using CDs but doesn't do much diaper changing anyway so I convinced him it wouldn't change much if anything that he noticed. I was gone last night when he put the girls to bed and he usually uses a sposie which is fine with me since this is all new to him and it's basically a trial for the new LO. This morning when I got DD up for daycare I noticed that she was wearing a CD!! YAY!! He did it all by himself without asking anything. I'm so exicted, this is a huge step for him! Just had to share!

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