Working Moms

Snow day anybody?

The DC area is essentially shut down but so far it's not as bad a predicted. DH watched DS almost all morning but now he's going to take a nap. I think we're heading outside. We both have cabin fever!

ETA: To clarify, DH is the one taking a nap and DS and I are going out to play in the snow!

DS: 2/17/11          DD: 9/4/13

Re: Snow day anybody?

  • Enjoy.  We had a snow day yesterday.

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  • Lucky!  I telework, so even though I'm in NoVA and everything's closed, I still have to be online!  At least I get the day with little man, though -- those smiles certainly help Smile
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  • Snow day? I live in TX we don't get snow days.  Hell, we don't get snow for that matter.  Wish we could get a 'Hot Day' during the summer...Someone should do something about that.  Enjoy your day ladies!


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