Working Moms

I Wonder Wednesday

Today I can't help but wonder how my husband earned a PhD and yet can't seem to load a dishwasher properly.  See, if you leave the bowls and sippy cup lids facing up they will fill with gross, disgusting water prompting me to want to re-wash them.

What are you wondering today?

Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

This Cluttered Life

Re: I Wonder Wednesday

  • I'm wondering how my mom can be so insensitive.  She made such a sh!tty remark about working moms last night, and I can't get over it.  She stayed home until my younger sister was in school, and then only worked part time until she was out of high school.  She never really had a career until recently - she had a job.  She doesn't understand that I contribute 50% to our household income, and that I am a high earner - because she never was.  She doesn't get that when DDs go to college, it's going to cost 3 times what it cost for me, and I want to help them with that.  She doesn't understand that I LIKE what I do, and I'm not meant to stay home right now.  But at the same time, I love my kids and I miss them when I'm not with them.  She doesn't have to understand, or even be supportive.  I just don't understand why she can't keep her f'ing mouth shut on the subject.
  • I wonder how I do it all. Dh is working from 7:30 am until 10pm. I work somewhat part time and while I look forward to the days I'm off, I actually end up working much harder on the days i am home. there is always something to do at home but at work i have a couple of pump breaks, so i can catch my breath then. I still do almost as much as i did working full time, but in one less day. I'm just more efficient with my time. People at work think I can just take a nap or go work out whenever I want on my days 'off' no. Last night there was a non mandatory meeting at work and I told them sorry, can't go because I have no one to watch my kids from 6pm to 9. They don't understand that I work part time because my husband is never, ever home and his job will require extensive travel depending on the client. I'm usually fine with this but lately I'm getting slammed at work, and the weather has not been good enough to get out of the house regularly with the kids. I cant keep this ace up. So I'm sore all over, my legs feel like they are going to fall off, and I'm writing this while at home with a kid that is crying and the other one is watching tv. Oh well. Gotta get back to them. I'd rather take a break to vent than to take it out on them.
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  • I wonder how my boss keeps getting new clients when he is consistently 20-45 minutes late for all meetings.
  • I'm wondering why DS keeps trying to roll over in his sleep. It makes me so nervous.
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  • I wonder how I have managed to go this long without telling management how I really feel. We are way way way micromanaged (calanders need to be completely filled, weekly reports, monthly reports, yearly reports and meet weekly with our supervisor to discuss what we are up to). I know they are management and need to supervise, but I wonder how they get anything else done when they are constantly up everyone else's asss.

    ETA: I also wonder why our house hasn't sold. We have had several second showings and some promising leads, but nothing. It is depressing :( we listed it almost a year ago and nothing. Someday.....

    "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
    Goodbye little angel(7/22/2011)....see you in heaven
    Goodbye my second angel (9/18/2011)
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  • I wonder how my DH can remember everybody's car, where they live, what they paid for their house, and what they do for a living but can't remember to pick up eggs, fruit, and pedia lite at the store when it's written on a list.
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  • imagelovebug33:
    I wonder how my DH can remember everybody's car, where they live, what they paid for their house, and what they do for a living but can't remember to pick up eggs, fruit, and pedia lite at the store when it's written on a list.

    YES!!!  DH has a million projects at work and knows the status and every detail of every one.  Last night, he was heading out to pick up dinner, and I asked him to stop and get me some Zantac to battle the horrible pregnancy reflux I've had.  Two stops instead of one.  He forgot.  How do you forget??

  • imagekbruington:
    I wonder how I made it to work today considering how much wine I drank last night with the hubby!


    Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

    Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

    This Cluttered Life

  • I wonder if I will ever be focused again, or if having three kids has made me permanently ADD. 
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  • I wonder how some people can have such an inflated ego yet really, seriously have nothing going for them. You live at home with your parents for free. You have no car and no life yet you want to give advice on how to live mine? gtfo


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  • I wonder why I even listen to the weather reports. All these updates and warnings make it seem like we are getting another major storm. Ill believe it when I see it, Weather Pup app.

  • I wonder what's going to happen at my job when I leave to have this baby next month. I share an office with the boss' future SIL, and he is a lazy POS that literally does nothing and depends on me to help him when he does do something. Since I have been here (a year and a half) I have cleaned up so many messes and taken care of so many effed up and past due accounts, I don't think he did any work in the 6 months he worked here before me. But in the boss' eyes he is the God almighty and walks on water. When I am out for only a day or two I come back to sh!t piled up everywhere, I wonder how it will be when I'm gone for weeks!! I hope she realizes how much I actually do and gives me the freakin raise I was supposed to get 6 months ago...

    But then again, if I can find another job while I'm out, I won't be returning here, so maybe I just don't care... hahaha

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