Hi All - I don't post on here often but will be flying with DH and DS next week on a 2 hour flight. DS is 21 months, has never flown before and has a peanut allergy. He's never ingested, just come in contact with his skin which has caused severe hives and is how we found out.
I'm pretty nervous about flying with him so any tips would be welcome. We're flying United so I know they don't serve peanuts but won't guarantee a peanut free flight.
Other than wiping our seats down when we get on the plane, having 2 epi pens and benadryl, anything else you would suggest?
Re: Tips for flying w/ a peanut allergy?
We are flying this weekend and it will be our first flight since our peanut allergy diagnosis. Before we were dealing with dairy.
I am just planning on bringing the epi pens, zyrtec, and wiping things down ahead of time. We are taking up the whole row, and I know that they don't serve peanuts on the plane. I'm not too worried about it.
I'm more stressed about flying pregnant with a toddler and trying to get through security with her coconut milk. Last time that caused the most hassle for us both ways and resulted in me getting a full pat down. Ugh.
DD's Food Allergies: Peanuts and Rice, Outgrown Dairy!
8/09 Dx PCOS & Hashimoto's
BFP #2 12/13/11. Missed M/C at 11w5d, measured 8w6d. D&C 2/1/12
Never in my arms, but always in my heart.