
Irritable Uterus

Any one else experiencing irritable uterus? I had it with my first two babies but now with twins it's showing up at only 21 weeks prego. It puts me to bed every night at 6:00. And with a 4 y.o. And 18 mos old, I'm lucky I married a saint.
Love to hear if anyone's dr's were more proactive at treatment. I just take to my bed when it acts up....

Re: Irritable Uterus

  • I was diagnosed with IU after my first NST at 32 weeks revealed 9 contractions in 50 minutes. I thought it was baby movement! My MFM measured my cervix via t/v ultrasound and recommended that my OB start doing manual checks from that point forward. 

    I would definitely talk to your OB/MFM and get his/her input. Hope things settle down!

    TTC in 2009, Dx: Unexplained IF
    Three TI cycles (BFP...miscarriage), five IUI attempts and 2.5 IVF cycles later...BFP!!
    12dp5dt: 765; 15dp5dt: 1979; 17dp5dt: 3379...TWINS!!!!!
    Our perfect baby boys were born at 36w1d!! 

  •   I also have Interstitial cystitis.  It was horrible while being pregnant.  I can't imagine having an IU. 
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  • Mine started at 27 weeks. I was put on modified bed rest and told to drink a lot of fluid. I hope yours eases up!
    BFP#1 12/18/10 EDD 8/28/11 | 2/14/11 discovered that our baby girl had anencephaly D&C 2/17/11 at 12.5 weeks | no O or AF post loss - Dx: AO + mild PCOS = secondary infertility Provera after 70 days = AF but no O | Provera + 50mg Clomid after 110 days = AF but no O 3 rounds of 100mg Clomid + Estrogen + Progesterone = mixed O results, all BFN hysteroscopy 1/6/12 - removed fibroid tissue injection cycle #1 - 75 IU follistim + ovidrel (triggered 2/9/12) + endometrin = BFP! EDD 11/3/12 | Beta @ 13dpo = 184, 17dpo = 993, 26dpo = >5000 IT'S TWIN BOYS!! Tommy and Charlie arrived on 9/10/12 after less than 6 hours of labor at 32 weeks Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I mentioned to the ob I saw on my last appt that it was happening but felt really blown off... Seeing my regular ob next week who I just like better and seems more concerned in general. I just don't want to go into preterm labor and be put on full bed rest!!!
  • My IU shortened my cervix, so I was put on modified bed rest and given Procardia to reduce their intensity. I found warm baths really helped.
    TTC #1 since May 2010. BFP #1 - 5/31/10; m/c on 7/22/10
    Started seeing RE in August 2011
    5 IUIs: BFN; IVF #1 - Success! BFP - 7/25/12 Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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