Potty Training

Pooping on potty a little at a time...

Ok, so the other morning DD woke up and REFUSED to get dressed or wear a diaper.  We seized the opportunity to try PT again.  Success!  She's been peeing on the potty great, no accidents.  It was like a light switch went on and she just decided it was time.  This is the problem:  she doesn't like to poop on the potty all at once.  What I mean is, she'll do it, with reminding, prompting, and bribery (which is not the issue), but in little bits at a time, multiple times a day.  I try to make her sit there and to keep trying to go when she does go a tiny bit, but it never amounts to anything more.  She has been battling constipation (since November) before she even started PTing, and I have been trying to delay PTing until we got it under control, but she decided she was done with diapers before that happened.

Under her Dr.'s orders, she's currently on Miralax and a very high fiber diet.  Her poop is very soft and she doesn't ever seem to be in pain when she does go.  I know that she is just getting over the urge to go and that's why she's going in little bits.  But I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks or has gone through this sort of thing before.  I'm just thankful she's now going in the potty and not going through 7 or 8 diapers in a day! 

Re: Pooping on potty a little at a time...

  • I think your on the right track but maybe try putting a potty in the living room? My DD would poop while watching tv. Our plan is to slowly move it towards the bathroom. Maybe it will be enough distraction for her to finish. Good luck and hopefully it resolves.

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