Eco-Friendly Family

what do you like to sew for yourself?

I recently bought a sewing machine and will be taking classes on how to use it.  I learned how to use a sewing machine in junior high but I'm pretty sure I need a refresher :)  I'm looking for ideas of useful and thrifty things to have around the house, and maybe if I really get the hang of it try to sell.  (side note: I cloth diaper and use mama cloth.)

I think I want to start by making some family cloth and some cloth napkins.  We go through paper towels like nobody's business, so maybe some unpaper towels.  Ultimately I would also really like to learn how to make minky mama cloth because I need some more!  

What else do you like to sew?  Think beginner to intermediate please :)

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Re: what do you like to sew for yourself?

  • I just got one too! I have never sewn before in my life. I re-stuffed and sewed up the dog bed. I've made inserts for DD's cloth diapers and I am finishing some double sided cloth napkins. I plan to do unpaper towels as soon as I get the tool for adding snaps. I eventually want to sew my own cloth diapers for future children. Oh and some throw pillows are in my future as well. :)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'd love to learn but I am juggling too much right now to attempt something new! I have seen lots of Pinterest projects I'd love to do. I remember seeing taggie blankets, I'd love to give a hand made one for friends with new babies, or those coffee cups sleeves I keep seeing, those would be great, for just about anyone...oh wait you said to try to sell lol, well, I would definitely buy some items and their likes! oh and unpaper towels, for sure!
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  • I'm in the middle of making a bunch of mama cloth for PP right now. I've also made unpaper towels - one set for our house and another as a bridal shower gift for a friend. 

    I like to upcycle my clothes too. I recently took an old pair of maternity jeans from my first pregnancy and made them into skinny jeans.

    I've also made throw pillows for the couch and curtains for some rooms. 

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I like making burp rags for all of my new mama friends! I also have recently made CD liners out of unused receiving blankets, pillows, baby leg warmers, and baby leggings. I love learning new things and try to search pinterest for ideas. Oh, and I want to make bibs next..
  • I taught myself to sew a few years ago, and I mostly sew traditional pieced quilts. I have 3 started for myself, but I've only finished quilts for gifts. I've also done a tablecloth, pot holders, apron, pj pants and baby toys. I would like to learn appliqu? and try some baby cloths.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm doing most of the stuff for the nursery:
    Curtains/ valance
    Changing pad covers
    Bed skirt
    Pillow for chair
    Cloth wipes
    Hemp inserts
    Hemp prefolds

    Maybe some blanket, burp cloths, bibs, plush toys, as time allows!
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