I pay DH's aunt $700.00 per month. She is a nanny for our son W-F from 645am-430pm. She also does a good amount of cleaning... bathrooms, vacuum's everyday, dishes, LOs laundry, and much more. She "deals with" (aka takes care of) our 2 dogs when she is here as well. She takes LO to Romp n Roll Wed, the library on Thurs, and he has PT at home on Friday. We keep her pretty busy.
What do you think about what we pay her? Disregard that she is family and maybe "should" gives us a break...
Thanks for anyone who has time to respond.
Re: Do I pay too much, too little, or about right?
Thanks. I kind of thought so too. She asked for 600/month. We said we'd pay her $700. I still feel like it isn't enough. She only cleans when LO is asleep, but gets a lot done. He naps for 4+ hours each day (2 naps).
Thanks. Just want her to feel appreciated, and not take advantage. But you're right... at least we did up it 100 from what she asked.
ETA: Never mind!! I totally missed that it's 3 days per week and not 5. So a little low but not what I was thinking.
That comes out to about $6 an hour, so yes, I think that is ridiculously low and it does seem like you are taking advantage of her regardless of how much money she asked for. A high school kid would get more than that for babysitting.
Also, I'm assuming you hired her to take care of your child and not be your cleaning woman, so again, I think you're taking advantage of her. I have a nanny and she does some light housework (dishes, sweeps, DS' laundry), but she's not cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming regularly and "much more." I also pay her a lot of money.
If she's not comfortable accepting more money (and honestly, if it were me, I would just give it to her without discussing it), I would make it up to her in other ways. Maybe gift cards, etc.
I just figured out our daycare cost per month for 3 days a week vs 5 and it comes to 767.00 per month. But the are also not cleaning my house or running my kid to different activities.
crazy low.
we pay our nanny $450 per week & she works Tues, Wed & Thurs from 6:30-4:15.
but, if your aunt refuses to take more then it's not like you're stiffing her. i'd probably give her a nice Christmas bonus & a week or 2 of paid vacation & call it a sweet deal.
look at the birds | bless this food
I think it is very low, but you are paying more than she asked for.
If I were you, I would give a lot of bonuses throughout the year.. probably in the form of gift cards.
MMC 3.30.16
oops i missed that it was only for 3 days of work. still, at the rate we paid our nanny that would be over $1300/month for 3 days.
i dont know if i would consider a week or 2 paid vacation a bonus - i think it is pretty common for nannies to get PTO. i know our nanny had 3 weeks paid vacation. plus, there were several weeks when a grandma was visiting and she was paid even though we didnt need her.
when i hire a high school kid to babysit, we pay her an hourly rate more than what OP pays her aunt. too low, imo.
I think that is low. If you calculate it out by hour, it isn't even the minimum wage. We pay substantially more than that in a month and our nanny only watches LO 2 days a week and for fewer hours on those two days. We pay our nanny $10 per hour and it sounds like she does less than what your DH's aunt is doing. And I consider that to be on the low end because some people we interviewed wanted $12-15 per hour. Personally, if I were you, I would at least pay her the minimum wage if you can afford to.
2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014
May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
$175 per week for part time care seems decent.
I think people are missing that it's part time. The house cleaning is an added benefit.
I wouldn't worry about it. Throw in some nice gifts and bonuses. Sounds like a good deal for both of you.
My answer partially depends on whether you are asking/expecting her to do the additional cleaning/dog care or if she's doing that just because?
If it's expected, then she is being paid too little. If it's just something she does and you can't stop her, well, that's on her. It's definitely less than what you'd pay a non-family member, but if everyone is happy with the arrangement then that's the most important factor.
Ditto PP suggestions of giving her a nice bonus and some PTO to "make up" for the lower pay.
I agree assuming this is under the table and there are no taxes like with other nannies I think you are okay.
I would expect to pay $10/hr minimum, not counting all the cleaning and dog watching. So $900/mo if I calculated the 30 hours per week correctly.
Thanks everyone. We didn't ask or expect her to care for the dogs, clean, or run LO to activities. She asks, and wants to. Pretty nice deal for us, I suppose!