
I hate when the phone rings this late at night

I know its really not that late, but both kids are sleeping!
Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image

Re: I hate when the phone rings this late at night

  • I hear ya!  I hate it if it rings after 7 because it wakes dd up and then she's up!!
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  • i don't care about it waking DS up- b/c it doesn't (if it did i'd turn the ringer off).... I just hate if someone calls after 9pm b/c it makes me think someone is dead!

    the other day my phone rang at 11pm... i had just fallen asleep - and I JUMPED out of bed to get it- my heart was pouding - though someone died... and it turned out my friend's phone called me by accident- from her purse... WTF???? ugh.

  • I hope there is a different time zone in NJ than the EST I am in because it is just barely 9:00. 

    Just turn down the volume on your ringer.  We use cell phones only now, so it isn't a problem. 

  • I prefer people to call me at night when DD is sleeping. I can give them my undivided attention.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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