Well, at 38 weeks I found out that either my baby has been breech all along or she recently flipped. Unless she flips again I will be having a scheduled C-section. (I opted against the version) Has anyone had a frank breech baby? If Did he/she end up having hip problems? Also, I know breech babies can come out with their feet stuck up and sometimes even behind their ears/head. I feel like it is hard trying to prepare myself to see my new baby in this position. What did you experience with a breech baby?
Re: Frank breech baby and hip problems
I had a frank breech baby. I was 42 weeks and not a sliver of dilation so they did the ultrasound and found out that was why. A little late in my opinion, but at least I didn't start pushing! hah
Anyway. Heres my experience. DS had been that way for a while, they guess three-four weeks. When he came to us, he had very swollen testicles because his feet were literally wrapped around on his head, crushing them! They were the size of a softball. He also refused to put his legs straight down for three weeks. The doctors watched it closely and it was just a comfort thing. He is 5 weeks now and he straightens them out all the time, unless he's tired or unhappy. The other thing that I wasn't expecting was the shape of his head. Since I was 2 weeks overdue, I had a BIG baby. Almost ten pounds. His head had indentations from my rib cage. He had two deep ridges through the top. It was pretty odd.
Most of this is probably just because my idiot OB didn't check WHY I had no progress with such a whopper of a baby, and I was so late.
I had twins via scheduled c-section. DD was breech. She loved to keep her legs up at all times after she was born, which made dressing and diapering her interesting ;-), but that was the only difference we noticed between her and DS.
Our pediatrician advised us to bring DD for an ultrasound to look at her hips (he didn't think there was a problem, but said it is routine for breech babies). We brought DS, too, just because we were already going. As it turns out, DD is completely fine and DS has a very mild case of hip displasia. DS was transverse/vertex the whole time! So, you never know.
My DD was not breech but has hip dysplasia...I agree with the pp who said take the ultrasound as a precaution. It is most common in first born females so its worth at least checking out due to her position.
Unfortunately for us my DD was not diagnosed until 6 months and we faced months/years of treatment and we still don't have the all-clear. Had we known in the first few weeks of life her treatment would have likely been much less of an ordeal.
TX: IUI #1-4 = BFN + 1 c/p
IUI #5: Clomid 100mg + Bravelle + Trigger + B2B IUIs + 800mg Progesterone = BFP!
Beta #1 (14dpiui): 460 Beta #2 (16dpiui): 998 Beta #3 (23dpiui): 21,832 Beta #4 (29dpiui): 129,771
My son was frank breech from 30 weeks on. We attempted an ECV, but our perinatologist was unable to turn him (his rear was wedged into my pelvis and every time our peri moved it up and out my son would settle back in the same position).
We had to deliver him via c-section at 36w1d. He's been checked multiple times (by his pediatrician and the NICU staff prior to his discharge) and as of now we have yet to find any hip complications. He does love to have his feet up in the air, though, and when he was first born he had what our doctor called "frog legs" (they bent outward). That has reversed itself as more time passes out of the womb and he's able to stretch his legs properly.
Good luck with your c-section!