

I've been on the Bump for quite some time now but never really noticed the AE abbreviation used so often until recently. I get the gist of what it is, at least I think I it just someone who starts drama under a "fake" bump name? Anyways, pardon my ignorance but what the he11 does it stand for?
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Re: AE

    Alter ego...I should have known. I was watching Blades of Glory this afternoon and lost a few brain cells, so that wasn't helping matters.
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  • Once in a while AE's will pop up (stating that they are AE's) and discuss embarrassing health conditions or about their family problems. Not for AWing, but to prevent the ppl they know IRL from knowing intimate details.
    "What are you having?" "Well the radiologist says its a healthy little human baby. I'm a little disappointed, because I really wanted a puppy." LOL
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