Cloth Diapering

kawaii website?

are they out of kawaii heavy-duty square tabs?  its okay now but I wanted to order during the sale in a couple weeks. Also do they ship from china? how long is shipping usually take?
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Re: kawaii website?

  • No they aren't. I already have a stash that could accommodate every 4 day washing if need be. I need a full set of Velcro diapers for daycare tho.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • What is this sale I keep hearing about?

    Do they have a fb page?
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


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  • imageMrsveinotte:

    What is this sale I keep hearing about?

    Do they have a fb page?

    Thank you to our more than 10,000 fans in Facebook! Let?s Celebrate!!

    Sale starts March 15 through March 31.

    • will receive 20% off your purchases, No minimum
    • New customer will get an extra 5% discount!!

    Thanks for your continuous support!

    Thank you! I tried searching them, but my phone is dumb.
    Chad and Fawn

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers


  • I looked at this site he other day and was totally confused by it. What kind of diapes do you prefer? Are there usually only a few colors available? I have gender neutral BG's but would really like some pink ones for my girl! 

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  • imageKateSays:
    I don't "need" any more diapers, so i'm justifying buying more by only buying aplix from kawaii (I currently have no aplix diapers) My question is that it says the pure and naturals were supposed to re stock the end of feb. today is march 1st... does anyone have any past experience with how behind their stocking dates usually are?

    The diapers are probably currently in transit from China to their warehouse in Canada. That would be my guess, anyway.

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