
My turn - intro

Hello, all!  Happy Friday! :) (Wait, it is Friday, right..I am fairly certain it is.)

I am a SAHM to my beautiful, but bouncy and mischievous 3.5 year old son and 1.5 year old daughter.   We are expecting number 3 in July and we are, as always, Team Green.  I love the surprise and it gets me through those last awful weeks.  Before I stayed home, I worked with the pediatric population as a SLP.  I love the outdoors, but have awful allergies and asthma.  I am a former swimmer, lifeguard, swim instructor, pool junky and am thrilled my children loved the water since they were infants.

I don't have a good reason why you should let a lurker play with the cool kids, except that I have green eyes and recently learned less than 1% of the population has green eyes - does that make me unique or cool enough to hang with you? ;)  






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