She was in a car accident this morning with my aunt who was driving her to school. They were t-boned in an intersection by a girl who ran a red light.
The other driver and my aunt are both in pretty rough condition. But DD is in the PICU.
She is expected to be in surgery within the hour to repair several severe fractures in her leg, and some torn ligaments and things.
This board has been a great source of comfort for me in some of my most difficult moments. If ever there was a time I needed you, this is it.
Please send whatever you've got, prayers, good energy, healing thoughts, etc. Please send them to my baby.
Re: DD1 is hospitalized
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d
BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11
BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d
BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13
BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14
I know things with your DH aren't 100 percent... Do you have good support? If you need support, please let us know if we can do anything.
Lean on this board. If people aren't replying quickly enough, I'm sure you could email or text with several of us.
Is it just her leg? I'm on mobile so cannot see how old she is. I'll be praying for her.
I am Sobbing. But trying to keep it together. They have her sedated. I want to walk into the room of the girl who hit my baby and break her freaking legs if they aren't already broken.
The hospital has already sent someone up here to start asking me about insurance and how we are going to pay for this. My husband was just discharged from the army, so our insurance is gone. And now we have to apply for medicaid and hope they will retroactively help. I can't even believe they are asking me this while my child is in critical condition.
Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12
How terrible.
I am most positive your beautiful little girl will kick azz in surgery. But I'm sending good vibes your way.
“I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis
// I love you too. //
BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10
BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15
Ugh, I'm sorry that you have to deal with ALL of this. Will be thinking about you and your little girl!
She is 5 1/2. Her leg is broken in 3 places. She has three fingers that are broken and were pushed back into her hand, so she has some metacarpals broken as well. Lots of torn ligaments.
Her arm is also fractured but her doctor hopes it will not require surgery. There is a lot of swelling so at this point they are just trying to reduce the swelling so they can better assess what is broken, what needs repair, what needs surgery, etc.
DH is a complete wreck and regardless of how things are with him and I, he's here for his baby girl and that's all I need from him.
My family is all here in the waiting room. Praying and crying and hugging each other.
Also, the other girl didn't have insurance. So we will have to sue her directly. This is all a nightmare. All I want is for my baby to be ok. I'll deal with that cvntbag later.
Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12
I'm so sorry. I'm keeping your little lady in my prayers as well as you aunt. Let us know when you can how surgury goes I hope your sweet girl heals up fast.
Your poor baby girl. Hugs to you and your DH and your family.
If you need anything specific, please let us know.
Can we run down info about medical aid programs in your area or do other things that require googling, so you and your h can focus on what you need to?
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
I am so sorry lady! Good thoughts and vibes to you and your DD. Keep us updated!
Oh, yes, please. That would be a huge help. We are in Denver so anything that you can find that will help would be amazing. You can post here, or make a new post. I'll check back in a bit.
We are going to kiss her and wish her luck in surgery now. They are wheeling her back in 10 minutes.
Avery - 8.2.07 | Asher - 5.12.10 | Audrey - 11.28.12
I can't google till after work, can anyone hop on it now?
Don't deal with anything you cannot handle, but the media can be a powerful tool to help.
Omg! So, so many prayers!! I am so sorry to hear this!
BFP #1 EDD 12.18.12 - Missed M/C at 9w3d D&C 5.22.12
A clients Colorado Medical Assistance Program eligibility may be made retroactive prior to the application date. Charges for services are the patients responsibility until eligibility is established. Claims are denied if the clients eligibility status is not available through eligibility verification methods.
There is also presumptive eligibility coverage so apply ASAP. I know it's a terrible time but maybe family can help out.
I'm so sorry. Since I'm here in Denver please pm me if you need something and I will help if I can.
Does the army offer any kind of COBRA coverage? I know with my last COBRA experience I had 60 days to apply and as long as I paid any and all fees it would retroactively cover from the minute I lost my job.
ETA - your aunt may have uninsured motorist coverage that might help too.