Dads & Dads-to-be

Pregnancy Travel

Anyone do any overseas travel with their wife while pregnant? We"re headed to Italy on a long planned trip over weeks 12 and 13.

I'm assuming we just need to follow the same food rules we follow here at home with nothing extra - but just wondering if anyone had any insight.

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Pregnancy Travel

  • We're going to London and Ireland around week 15-16.  From what we've been told, just follow the same nutrition you would at home.  There are no issues with flying while within the first and second trimesters.  However, our doctor advised my wife to avoid the full body scanner at the security checkpoint because of the pregnancy.  This has something to do with the X-Rays and how they affect the baby.  She gave us a note that we could give to the TSA agent to bypass the scanner.

    Have fun on your trip, my wife and I loved Italy! 

  • PrimePrime member
    Yeah the same food rules would apply.  And that is a good point about the full body scanners.  We flew twice while my wife was pregnant.  We didn't have a note.  My wife just told them she was pregnant and requested to not go through the body scanner.  She'll get a pat down and be sent on her way.

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  • I would not worry about a thing.  Certainly avoid the body scanner at the airport, and stick to the standard rules about food.

    Second trimester is all about food cravings, so your wife is probably going to have a lot of fun in Italy with that!!


  • Yeah - she's a little bummed about the wine part - but we figure she can just take a sip of stuff and it will be ok.

    The food part will be amazing though!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagedkaplan76:

    The food part will be amazing though!

    One word...Gelato 

  • PrimePrime member

    The food part will be amazing though!

    One word...Gelato 

    My wife's rule when we went to Europe last summer was "if you pass a gelato place, you get gelato"

  • Have her avoid the scanner and opt for the pat-down instead. Also, you might want to get a big bottle of Perrier at the airport. The bubbles will help fight nausea on the plane. Some OB's say Dramamine is ok but some say no... Airplane air is very, very dry and she is more prone to get a bloody nose and chapped lips during pregnancy. A little Vaseline or olive oil applied inside the nose and chapstick on hand for the lips is important. Make sure she boosts her Vit B and C before the flight, and hand sanitizer is a must. Airplanes are filled with nasty germs. Pregnancy suppresses the immune system, so she is more susceptible to infection and sickness.

    Hope that helps! Enjoy your trip.

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