3rd Trimester

i feel like she will never come

I guess because DD was early and I went into PTL at 27 weeks with this LO I have had it in my mind that LO would come early. Now I am feeling like 3 more weeks will take forever! Oh well, here to a full term baby! I love it!
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Re: i feel like she will never come

  • Yea, went in to labor at 33 weeks and 35, now nothing! I'll probably go right up to my c-section without even time-able braxton hicks. I know how you feel.

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  • She will come, I promise. Nobody stays pregnant forever! I know it can feel that way, though. 
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  • I can totally relate.

    My 2nd came at 36 weeks. Even though I knew her entire labor was likely due to our car accident a few weeks before, I still half-expected to go into labor early. Especially after having false labor earlier this week.

    Glad to be hitting 37 weeks this weekend, though. My first was born at 38 weeks. No guarantees I'll be this zen if/when I hit 39 weeks and I'm still pregnant.

    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • My first came at 38 weeks and my second the day after his due date. The last month is the worst and seems like it takes forever. The best thing to do is find something to occupy yourself and it'll go by faster. The more you think about it the longer it will seem to take.
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