3rd Trimester

Baby dropped at 34 weeks??

So over the past 2 days i've noticed a significant difference in the positioning of the baby. On the positive side I can breathe and eat again! Negatively I have a ton of pain & pressure in my pelvis..... I feel like I have a bowling ball between my legs & I walk like it too. I was positive I had a uti because of the frequency but minimal amount I have to pee, but the doc said no, must just be that baby is sitting low.

I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead but they won't do an ultrasound prior to my c-section unless I have a problem. I'm just worried that he's trying to make an early appearance.....my daughter never did this! My c-section is scheduled for April 8 so I'm also wondering if I'm going to be this uncomfortable for the next 5 weeks?! 

IAmPregnant Ticker

Re: Baby dropped at 34 weeks??

  • Dd 1 dropped at 30 weeks for me and I felt like I was walking around with a tampon half out until I delivered. I feel your pain!
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  • I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and baby boy was fully engaged.  Every internal I have the doctors are shocked at how low he is.  It is pretty uncomfortable.  However, I am a FTM, so I have nothing to compare it to!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • That's totally normal for your first.

    er, uh, nevermind this isn't your first! It's actually quite likely baby will go up and down and not stay so low these last few weeks. 

  • My baby dropped at 30 weeks, and it's been very uncomfortable since then.  We are having a DS this time and I've carried him lower the whole time. My DD didn't drop THIS low until closer to 35 weeks, but I also carried her higher in general throughout the pregnancy.
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  • At 34.5 weeks and the baby has dropped in the last cpl of days. It is great that I actually at a meal yesterday! However, I was up every hour on the hour last night to use the bathroom and constantly feel like I have to go. I can feel him moving around much lower and feel like he is about to fall out. C/S scheduled for 4/5- so hopefully he stays in for a bit longer!
  • My LO dropped at 28 weeks but not fully engaged. Just went in for a checkup today and was told to expect the pressure and shooting pains until birth... which she said would more than likely still be at term.

    With this being your 2nd there's a higher chance of baby dropping into the pelvic region sooner, but not fully engaging until labor actually starts. 

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