Working Moms

Somedays I feel like calling management out

mobile: Somedays I feel like calling management out

Sorry if this is long..... 

So in the fall of 2011 I got written up for apparently not doing my job. I have documentation to prove otherwise.

Fast forward to me returning back from mat leave with DD2 and my position has completely changed due to funding. Now management has taken over what I used to do. I still do a few things that I used to, but the bulk of it they do. I am starting to notice they are doing things worse (and some of these are reported numbers...and I do the reporting) than I did when they wrote me up. Also I made schedules. They got on me for not having them done atleast 2 weeks before the new month (even though I did). I notice now, they don't have them out until the day before the new month. I work non-profit and there is no HR.

Needless to say, I am a little pissed about it. I have a meeting to review things with my supervisor and I really want to bring this up. I feel like they were just writing me up as leverage incase they had to let me go since our funding at the time was horrible and the possiblity for layoffs was very real. Infact, they did lay of some people while I was on maternity leave.

I should note, they didn't know at the time they wrote me that I was pregnant with DD2 if that makes a difference.


"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Goodbye little angel(7/22/2011)....see you in heaven
Goodbye my second angel (9/18/2011)
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Re: Somedays I feel like calling management out

  • I don't think there is any point in being confrontational about it or bringing up your past writeups.  It will just come across as complaining.  However, it is totally valid to let your supervisor know that you have noticed that some things that used to be key metrics have slipped and you are seeing issues with the way things are being handled.  Make some suggestions for improvement if you have any, but try to keep it positive and not personalized. 
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  • imageaglenn:
    I don't think there is any point in being confrontational about it or bringing up your past writeups.  It will just come across as complaining.  However, it is totally valid to let your supervisor know that you have noticed that some things that used to be key metrics have slipped and you are seeing issues with the way things are being handled.  Make some suggestions for improvement if you have any, but try to keep it positive and not personalized. 

    This.  Also, if they currently are making any complaints about your performance that aren't true, go to the meeting prepared to show how you are doing your work and ask if they need for you to change how you communicate with them so they are clear you are getting your tasks done.

    As satisfying as it may seem in the moment, there is no good to come from pointing out how your manager is not doing a good job.  If you see room for improvement and have a solution to add, volunteer it, but anything else is likely to get you in hot water. 

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  • Thanks ladies. It is hard not saying anything, but you're right, it would probably land me in hot water
    "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
    Goodbye little angel(7/22/2011)....see you in heaven
    Goodbye my second angel (9/18/2011)
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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