3rd Trimester

nursing pads

reusables or disposables? how often do you change them a day? and how long do you wear them for? (like do nipples ever stop leaking?)
TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary

Re: nursing pads

  • I'm going to try some different reusables this time but the ones I got last time were terrible. I used Lansinoh disposables as they were the ONLY ones that worked for me. I changed mine after every feeding because I would literally shoot milk out of the opposite breast while nursing. I probably should have had twins and tandom nursed. I needed to wear nursing pads at all times (particularly at night) until I went down to only one nursing session a day when DS was 15 months old and I went back to work. 
  • Completely depends on the person.  Some people leak for a long time and others don't.  I liked disposable.  I can't remember the brand I liked but it wasn't the typical ones out there and I keep meaning to track them down because some really irritated me.
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  • is there a reason why ppl dont go for the reusable ones? do they wear down after each wash or something?
    TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
  • I used both last time - disposables early on and then reuseable. I don't remember how often I changed them. I didn't need them for super long, but I also never had an amazing supply.
  • imageRussianMommy:
    is there a reason why ppl dont go for the reusable ones? do they wear down after each wash or something?

    For me, they weren't as absorbent so I switched to them when I was still leaking, but not as much. 

  • I honestly can't remember how often I changed them so I'm no help there. I used the Lansinoh disposables and really liked them. They didn't bother me, when they were full or I needed to change I just tossed them and got a new pair and as long as I made sure I had enough in stock, I didn't have to worry about making sure enough were washed or anything like that. I didn't like the reusable but it could have been the type I had. Someone bought me a 6 pack for my shower, sorry I can't remember the brand, but I didn't like them because after they were washed they didn't really hold shape and got really wrinkled. I also didn't like having to keep up with them, kind of like socks that get lost in the dryer, and for me they were just more of a hassle than disposable.
  • I'll use the reusables for the most part.  I do have some disposables, but I only used them a few times with my first LO.

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  • I did reusables at home, lansinoh disposables while out and about.  I found the reusables to be softer and more comfortable.

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  • Right now I am only leaking a little bit for about an hour after i get out of the shower. I got a pack of disposables for now, but have been thinking about getting some reusables for after the baby comes and i'll really need them.
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  • I plan on using Lansinoh disposable pads for the first week or so, while I evaluate if I will be needing more absorbant pads or not. I've looked into reusable ones, but all my friends had bad experiences about the "wear and tear" after a few washes, over a multitude of brands, so I might be hunting down a miracle, who knows!
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  • I always use the reusables..they are more comfortable (made from cotton) and they don't move around a lot.  At first you will change them a few times a day but later you can wear the same ones all day.  I have found that by the time I reach the 6 month point, I don't need to wear them at all anymore...milk levels are all under control and there is no leaking.
  • You will know when you have to change them, just like a tampon or pad. I used the Johnson and Johnson ones. Tried the lansino brand I found the plastic backing made my skin clammy. This time around I would like to try reusable ones. But at first you change them a couple times a day....like I remember changing them about 3 or 4 times a day when my milk first came in. I think I will use the disposables until the initial engorgement goes away then try some reusable ones.
  • imageMrsWindyCity:

    is there a reason why ppl dont go for the reusable ones? do they wear down after each wash or something?

    For me, they weren't as absorbent so I switched to them when I was still leaking, but not as much. 

    This. Reusable did not work at all for me. I would have milk dripping down my breast onto my shirt and also milk leaking through the pad. They just didn't work. I will try a different brand this time but I'm not getting my hopes up.  

  • I had sore nipples at first and used Medela Soft Sheilds (they are like athletic cups for your nipples, they keep things from rubbing).  I wore those for maybe 2 months, after that,  Iwasn't a big leaker but used disposables while at work, just in case.

     I had a few sets of reusable pads but they sucked-mine didn't shape well and were less comfortable than the Lanisoh (sp?) disposables.

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