January 2013 Moms

Diaper, wipes formula checks +more & coupons

Ok ladies I have alot here.  Please PM me with what you want.  I have tons of OTHER coupons not listed too.  I am a couponer and I am stockpiled up so I have no use for these and I would like to see them go to a good home.

Manufacturer coupons: 

1- Hugges 2.00 off 1

2- Huggies 2.50 off 1

2- Huggies Wipes 1.00 off 1

1- 2.00 off 1 package of pampers GONE

TARGET Coupons:

For those of you that now target allows you to "stack" coupons which means you can use a target coupon AND a manufacturers coupon (so like the ones you get in the paper).

3- 3.00 off hugges diapers & 56 ct wipes

1- 1.00 off 1 pack of huggies

3- 2.00 off 1 pack of pampers and 36 ct wipes

1- 2.00 off 1 pack pampers and 60 count wipes

1- .50 off 56ct or larger Huggies wipes

1- 1.00 off 19ct or larger pampers GONE

1- .50 off 60ct or larger pampers wipes GONE


2- 12.95 Gerber formula checks

2- 3.95 Gerber formula checks

4- 5.00 Enfamil formula checks GONE

7- 5.00 Similac formula checks GONE

TARGET Formula coupons:

3- 6.00 off gerber good start formula

4- 7.50 off gerber good start formula

1- 3.00 off enfamil formula (liquid bottles, powder or liquid can) GONE

4- buy one get one free enfamil premium newborn formula ready to use nursette bottles

1- 5.00 off two similac powder GONE

3- 3.00 off similac advance newborn ready to feed formula bottles


1- 4.00 off similac simply smart double pack bottles

2- 2.00 off enfamil staged nutrition formula GONE

3- 2.00 off enfamil d-vi-sol vitamin drops

1- 2.00 off exoecta dh; supplement for moms

1- 15.00 rebate on ANY breast pump

2- 2.00 off enfamil newborn formula GONE

2- 5.00 off both enfamil newborn formula and d-vi-sold vitamin drops

2- 15.00 rebate on enfamil formula GONE

1- 5.00 off Enfamil newborn or infant formula GONE

1- 2.00 off Enfamil staged formula GONE

1- 5.00 off Enfamil gentlease, AR andPriSobee GONE

1- 2.00 off Enfamil liquid

1- 10.00 off Enfamil home delivery

Wow that is it for now I need to get off of the computer lol.  I do have more though so please ask if you need something.  I have lots more target specific coupons off of clothes, toys, nursing tops and etc.  So seriously, ask if you are looking for something specific :)  You can PM me or respond below...

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Paige 8/5/99, Kara 7/22/03 and Benjamin 1/19/13
  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

10 losses 1996-1998, 2 losses 2001-2002, 3 losses 2010-2012, loss 1/2014

Re: Diaper, wipes formula checks +more & coupons

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