3rd Trimester

what do contractions feel like?

Ive already been told the common, "like you want to scratch your eyes out" but i'd really like to know what they actually feel like, and where the pain is located?
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Re: what do contractions feel like?

  • They're different for everyone. Mine were irratic, untimeable, really bad mentstrual-type cramps.
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  • OP, I'm so glad you asked this question. I've been told they feel like very bad menstrual cramps. I wonder how bad and to what level. When I think of "very bad menstrual cramps" I think of that as being kinda bearable but I don't want to underestimate that description and then I'm in for the shock of my life when the contractions hit. 
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  • Like abdominal muscle tightening. Or period cramps. Or both at the same time. Some arent painful just uncomfortable and others make you want to junk punch the closest male. Just depends on your pain threshold. :)
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  • Menstrual cramps with a punch. 

    Mine wrapped around into my back.  

    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

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  • imageBelhurstBride:

    Menstrual cramps with a punch. 

    Mine wrapped around into my back.  

    Mine too. The worst was sitting in the car on the way to L&D. Every time I had a contraction it felt like my azz and lower back were going to explode. The crampiness is terrible-like period cramps on PCP.

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  • Mine were incredibly painful - not just in my abdomen but throughout my entire midsection (front and back).  I felt like I was going to die!
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  • Well my pre-term contractions are from the public bone to right under the breasts.  A severe tightening.  It goes from side to side.  If you touch my belly it is rock hard (my husband found it disturbing when I made him feel it during and after a contraction).

    While mine don't so much extend around my back like it can for some, my back does hurt an incredible amount when the contractions are bad.

    I never really ever had menstral cramps but I can see how it may feel like that.  As well, I feel like I am severely constipated and have to go during the contraction...but my bowels are fine and I don't need to.

    I've had them consistently for 3 weeks now and I can sense them coming on about 30seconds before there is just this feeling that passes through my body right before.  But, that might just be weeks of having them every 3 minutes and having nothing to do on bed rest but to notice!

    Oh, the days when they are higher on the pain threshold I can barely breathe and can't talk through them...but the labor breathing does help quite a bit.  Other days they are just uncomfortable and I can usually talk during them.

    As well, nothing helps to ease or slow them, hot baths, walking new position etc (as would help BH).  And, standing up or walking (even sitting) makes them more intense, more frequent and more painful (like contractions every 1 minute and they last over 2 minutes each).

     All that said, I have no clue if these will change when labor actually comes.  My doctor had no idea either so my only cue that it's really time is for my water to break.  I'm hoping real labor is not worse than this...as with weeks of constant contractions I will be set to do it med free come time!!


  • imageLadyDelilah:
    Like abdominal muscle tightening. Or period cramps. Or both at the same time. Some arent painful just uncomfortable and others make you want to junk punch the closest male. Just depends on your pain threshold. :)

    Junk punch  the closest male!!!! awesome answer hahaha 

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  • For me labor started off as a light backache, beyond the everyday I'm Pregnant backache. It kind of 'settled' on my back for a few mins at a time, and then 'lifted' for a few mins at a time. As time went on they spread out across my back, hips and belly and become more powerful and hard. If you are sexually active during pregnancy then it felt the way the uterus feels after having an orgasm, really tight and hard, but with pain attached. And as I timed them they got more intense and closer together over a couple hours, so I knew they weren't Braxton-Hicks. For me that was the main difference. BH never got harder or closer and after a few hours went away. Real labor was measurably harder and contractions were closer after timing them for a few hours. But the pain was minor until I hit the 12 hour mark, or so. Then came all the stuff I had only heard about, but never thought I would do.

    And yes, you are in for the shock of your life. Not that it isn't worth it. But it is probably the most painful experience humans endure. Men literally cannot physically endure the level of pain that women endure in childbirth. But afterward it fades and you are filled with this amazing love and strength. You know that if  you just did THAT, you can do anything. Nothing else is ever really as scary or hard as before.

  • Umm you ladies have some intense menstrual cramps because contractions with my first did not compare to menstrual cramps at all.

    In fact, I can't really describe what contractions felt like because I've never experienced anything else like it.

    All I can say is that they felt like hell. So much so I was in tears and I didn't want anyone to touch me. I didn't want anyone to talk. I didn't want to hear any noice. But, with that said, they don't last forever and the end product far outweighs all of the preceeding pain and discomfort.

    Trust me when I say, you'll know when you're having real contractions. Or maybe I'm just a really big chicken and have a zero pain threshold.

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  • Early labor or braxton hicks = tightening of the uterus, not painful but mildly uncomfortable.  Stomach should get very hard.

    Very active labor= like someone is tearing your uterus out with their bare hands.

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  • imagestilts1:

    Early labor or braxton hicks = tightening of the uterus, not painful but mildly uncomfortable.  Stomach should get very hard.

    Very active labor= like someone is tearing your uterus out with their bare hands.

    Im a FTM but this is my favorite description lol Wink

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  • For me they were NOT like really bad menstrual cramps. I had bad menstrual-type cramps for 4 weeks before I went into labour. My labour contractions were ... different.  Same general area: my whole uterus and back, but definately not menstrual cramp-like. They were take-your-breath-away, sharp, long, horrible cramps like someone put my uterus in a vice and twisted.  I had a lot of back labour too which made finding a "better" position very difficult.  I spent the entire time bent over the bed with my head burried in a stack of pillows trying desperately to remember to breath through the constant vomiting.

    Sorry, you asked.

  • Mine were like a combination of severe menstrual cramps and food poisoning plus a back ache.
  • I wonder this myself. I get horrible awful menstrual cramps I have come close to passing out, fallen down stairs, etch from them so I'm a little afraid of something much worse.
  • imagestilts1:

    Early labor or braxton hicks = tightening of the uterus, not painful but mildly uncomfortable.  Stomach should get very hard.

    Very active labor= like someone is tearing your uterus out with their bare hands.

    Yeah, this is a pretty good description. Early labor is uncomfortable, even somewhat painful and you may find yourself gripping a counter/surface/SO to get through them, but it's bearable. Very active labor feels like you're being ripped apart while vomiting your brains out and you want to tear your own head off and die.

    Can't wait to do it again!

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  • image=Lee=B:

     All that said, I have no clue if these will change when labor actually comes.  My doctor had no idea either so my only cue that it's really time is for my water to break.  I'm hoping real labor is not worse than this...as with weeks of constant contractions I will be set to do it med free come time!!

    Many, many moms never experience their water breaking without the doctor doing it for them. Or if it does break it's close to or during pushing.

    I can almost promise you they're going to get considerably worse. What I described was early labor for me. Active labor? Indescribable. Brought me to my knees. My DH still laughs about me being on all fours while waiting for my doctor at her office before being sent to the hospital.  

    DD1 4.14.10
    DD2 8.22.13
    MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
    Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18

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  • For me they were like period cramps on steroids.
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  • Regarding water breaking, mine never broke. My midwife broke it for me during labor at 9cm.
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  • For me, early labour (0-4 cm), was mild period like cramps.  I was easily able to walk the dog, clean the house, and didn't really think I was in actual labour since I had been pretty crampy for the last month of my pregnancy.  I didn't even call DH home from work at this point.

    After that (4-6 cm), they intensified to where they had a definitely beginning and end.  I could feel them about to come on (just like a bad leg cramp) and had to stop what I was doing to get through them.   I felt pretty good between contractions and was able eat a little.   IMO this is a good time to get to the hospital as I wouldn't want to be in transit during transition.

    Transition (7-10 cm):  Very very painful contractions right on top of each other no relief.   My memory of this exact phase is a little fuzzy, but I couldn't maintain a converation and it was pretty excruiting.  I remember thinking I wouldn't have any more children as the pain was so bad (then I fell in love and it was soo worth it...so here we go again!).  Entertained the idea of an epidural (despite really wanting a natural birth) but when I found out I was 9.5 cm, I knew I could make it through the rest.  Luckily transition only lasted 2 hours and pushing was not as bad.

  • They hurt like ***.
  • imagevirginiagirl11:

    Early labor or braxton hicks = tightening of the uterus, not painful but mildly uncomfortable.  Stomach should get very hard.

    Very active labor= like someone is tearing your uterus out with their bare hands.

    Yeah, this is a pretty good description. Early labor is uncomfortable, even somewhat painful and you may find yourself gripping a counter/surface/SO to get through them, but it's bearable. Very active labor feels like you're being ripped apart while vomiting your brains out and you want to tear your own head off and die.

    Can't wait to do it again!


    Yep pretty much all of this...except I'm not doing it again! LOL

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  • I always heard like really bad period cramps but mine were nothing like that.

    The pain actually kind of radiated to my butt and it felt like when you have really really bad gas/diarrhea pains only x100.  I couldn't sit still and it felt like a knife slashing straight towards my perineum/anus.   

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  • imagestilts1:

    Early labor or braxton hicks = tightening of the uterus, not painful but mildly uncomfortable.  Stomach should get very hard.

    Very active labor= like someone is tearing your uterus out with their bare hands.

    Yikes!! I just picture Dumb&dumber when Lloyd rips out the chefs heart with his hand and puts it in a brown bag. 

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  • Mine felt like I had to poop really badly but nothing would come out.
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