Hi everyone! Hoping to find others on here that are going through deployment pregnancies. My husband deploys in about 2 months and will miss the birth of our second child. I have friends who have been through the pregnant while their husband is deployed part but the husband always made it home before delivery. Unfortunately, that is not an option in our situation. I've already made plans for delivery and after but there's still A LOT of stress about it actually happening. It would be nice to talk to/vent to others in the same situation instead of worrying my husband about it all the time and stressing him out even more. TIA!
Re: Deployment pregnancy
My H was deployed for most of my second pregnancy, the birth, and our younger son's first six months. It was stressful, but the key for me was having a really solid plan and support from friends and family. Start making your plan now so you start feeling more in control of the situation, especially since you have an older child as well.
Good luck!
I'm having a surprise deployment baby as well. He's missing everything, including the birth. It's our first and we don't have Skype but if you do I'd check to see if your hospital allows it. Ours does but it's through Yahoo so I would check what servers they allow. Our baby is one of 4 that we know of on his ship and ours will be the newest baby when they get back.
Hi, my husband deployed to Afghanistan when I was 13 weeks pregnant (2011). I was alone until 36 weeks, when my sister came to stay with me and to be there for the birth. It was hard sometimes, because I missed my husband and I needed help around the house. However, I was lucky I had no problems with my pregnancy. I prayed every day, and tried to stay positive. I even went through hurricane alone! My husband never seen me with belly
) During the birth I texted him, and he called, but I just didnt want to talk to him, because I was in pain. My sister kept him informed.
Make sure you take a lot of pictures and make videos. Every week I sent my husband belly shot. I made video of the first movements. I got 4D ultrasound done and I sent him recording of babies heartbeat. Keeping him informed really helped. It made the time go by fast. He came back when our son was 3 weeks old.
Good luck to you! For how long is your husband deploying?
My husband was deployed when our daughter was born. He got home when she was about to turn 3 months old. It's not easy at all but you can do it. Accept help when it's offered and just keep your head up. You'll be okay.
Most hospitals will let you skype during the delivery and my husband was told he would have the day off once I checked into the hospital until the baby was born. Unfortunately I went into labor in the middle of the night, got to the hospital at 4am and the baby was born at 5:30 am so he missed it all because I couldn't reach him that fast.
She also happened to be born on his one day off a week!
He will only be gone for 6 months but he doesn't leave until I'm almost 20 weeks. It's good to know that there are others in the same boat!
I try to just stay positive and talk to him as often as I can. I read facts about how big the baby is now or what vegetable thebump tells me he is comparable to. I shipped him a copy of the Bradley
I try to just stay positive and talk to him as often as I can. I read facts about how big the baby is now or what vegetable thebump tells me he is comparable to. I shipped him a copy of the Bradley method workbook for the class I am taking in his absense so we can go over the lessons together.
I'm 26 weeks almost, and he has missed everything since 5 weeks, and because of the length of his deployment may miss the birth by 4 weeks... It's extremely frustrating of rme because I have a lot of health issued and everyday is so rough on me. I work full time, and am being taken out of work 4 weeks prior so the baby will not have the medicine i'm on in his body once he's born. So knowing I'll be alone and dealing with my severe/anxiety depression has been freaking me out! I'm praying by some miracle he gets home but I don't know...
My family will come once I'm going to be induced which will be the case because of my health. but it's been hard the whole time, I try to stay positive and it eventually catches up with me!