September 2012 Moms

Your advice please...

I'll make this short and to the point.... For the past month, about 95% of all of B's feedings he is trying to sit up.  He'll drink maybe about half of his bottle 2-2 1/2 oz before he starts squirming and trying to sit.  I know he's still hungry because he reaches for his bottle when I move it away - but it's close to impossible to feed him in an upright position with the Dr. Brown's bottles we use (the only ones he'll take).  I've tried giving him a sippy cup and he only holds it for short periods and make more of a mess than anything at this point, so that's not yet an option for us.  

I try to recline him again to finish feeding but he puts up a fight - he's dead set on sitting up... so ultimately, he's not eating as much anymore... plus he's teething, ughhhhh.....

Anyone else dealing with this?  How are you handling it...and have you found anything that works?

A friend of mine suggested that he is trying to "tell" me he's ready to start on solids - but we're waiting until 6 months for that.


Frustrated Whimmy

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Re: Your advice please...

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    ugh, no advice but in the same boat.  I have to pretty much force S to stay in a reclined position these days.   We also use Dr. Brown's and we've tried the sippy cup which was an adorable failure. 

    I find that if I keep him in the breastfeeding position, it's easier as opposed to just a recline.  Meaning, I hold him tummy to tummy and he is down around my boob and I usually tuck a blanket around him.  He really likes that feeling of security...moreso than sitting up, I guess.  

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    Could've written this post myself.  He basically won't breastfeed anymore because he hates facing in toward me. 

    I can only get him on the breast when he's really, really sleepy so we've been doing mostly bottle feedings. Even the bottle feedings are hell though because he'll take an ounce and then want to play, repeat, repeat, repeat.  I feel like he's eating all day because he'll only take an ounce or two at a time.

    I'm worried my supply's dropping because he won't BF and I'm trying to pump and manage him.

    Just wanted to commiserate.

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    I swear I think it is the age. H used to be my champion eater. She would finish that bottle like she meant business. Now she east 2-3 oz and then fidgits the rest of the bottle.

    I literally just have to fight with her for the bottle. It isn't fun but I figure it is only for a period of time until she can feed herself her bottle and then she will do what she has to. 

    As far as solids are concerned we did start our girls on solids and she loves them and eats them up fast. Maybe he could be telling you he is ready but it is up to you when you want to start.

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    Use a dr brown nipple with a similac collar and a regular bottle like medela. Now he can eat sitting in any position he chooses and it stil feels like a dr brown bottle to him.

    Plus it's much easier to clean. All those dr brown parts drove me farking nuts and they weren't needed.

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    Sean does this, too. I sit up and put his back against my chest and give him bottles this way. I'm not sure if that would work for your bottle, but it's the only way Sean drinks a bottle without a struggle. 
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    Use a dr brown nipple with a similac collar and a regular bottle like medela. Now he can eat sitting in any position he chooses and it stil feels like a dr brown bottle to him. Plus it's much easier to clean. All those dr brown parts drove me farking nuts and they weren't needed.
    Ooooo!  Going to try this!  Thank you!
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    Just an idea..have you tried a faster flow dr. Brown nipple to make feedings faster? FWIW I also nurse in darkness and a boring room. Slightly difficult with a toddler but I try.
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    I know you said LO will only take Dr. Brown's, but maybe try this bottle. It's angled, so LO can sit more upright.

    Playtex VentAir

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    Me too! I think it is the age. That niplash statement pretty much sums up all nursing sessions and bottle sessions involve tons of starting and stopping. She's back to eating three to four times first thing in the morning. I remember ds getting better about it again, but I don't remember when. Hopefully it'll rectify itself soon or that great idea of the Frankenstein bottle will work.
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    Sean does this, too. I sit up and put his back against my chest and give him bottles this way. I'm not sure if that would work for your bottle, but it's the only way Sean drinks a bottle without a struggle. 

    This.  We have to do this a lot.

    Nancy James 9.1.12

    Calvin Donald 8.27.14

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    I would go up a nipple size. Do you have a high chair? We his meal time bottles in his high chair now. I also do the feeding on my lap while he faces out. He learned to tip his head back more so he can sit up and eat.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

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    Thanks for all of your responses :)

    We've tried the forward facing routine...doesn't work...

    B won't take ANY other bottle, trust me we've tried multiple times; I wish he would :(  We're also already using a fast flow nipple, so that doesn't seem to be the issue either.

    Stumped...but hanging on... lol

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    Does LO hold their own bottle?  I've found that if I'm holding her, but let her hold the bottle, she'll stay put.  But yeah, we have the same problem at times, where all she wants to do is sit up.  GL!

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