
DDs bout w Influenza is scary

Poor DD she is so sick. I wrote earlier about her having influenza b. Talked to the pedi and she said to let her sleep and not wake her for meds. She said the fever will run high but since she doesn't have a history of febrile seizures she should be ok. She just woke up crying, vomited and then went back to sleep. Her temp is 103.5 and I didn't get an opportunity to even try any meds. So worried about her.
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Re: DDs bout w Influenza is scary

  • Poor thing, it's the worst when they're sick. Hope she feels better soon!
  • Fevers scare the crap out of me. Amelia had the flu after Christmas, and she had a fever for the better part of two weeks. She was so weak, and disoriented, but the doctor wanted her to ride it out on her own. 
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    To be loved, and to be in love
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  • That sucks, it's never fun when our LO's are sick. Hope she gets to feeling better soon! 

    Alexander 03/13/2008 Jace 03/20/2013 

  • It is scary. Try not to worry too much though. DD had the flu in mid January and she spiked at 105.6, we took her to the ER per our Pedi's guidance and the ER doc said the same thing, that the fever really is just a number and is going to scare you but it's their body fighting hard and to just let it do it's work. I asked at what number do we need to worry and he said don't. Just to make sure she was getting fluids and peeing ok. GL I know it's hard.

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  • If anything, I would wake to give her fluids. Keep some water or juice by her bed



    My 4 Angel Babies.....
    MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009

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