Baby Names

S/O Cousins' names...

If your sibling (or sibling in law) used a name you loved, and wanted to use, would you use it anyway? If it was the exact same name (not necessarily the same middle name though), and it was spelled the same way? If they would be 5 or less years apart. How close is too close for you (to a sibling's child's name)?

I'm not thinking of doing it, I'm just curious to see what everyone else would do. 

ETA: Bolded part. 

ETA: Apparently, the bolding feature is not working, so the real ETA is the underlined part.

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Re: S/O Cousins' names...

  • Absolutely not

    EDITED TO ADD YOUR UNDERLINED REQUEST:  I have a pretty strict naming policy.  Siblings/in-laws kids are totally off limits. Including names sounding too close. MN's are fair game, however it still makes me uncomfortable. The only one I would consider is my husbands fn (he has a nephew named after him) or my mn (which also happens to be mn of SIL and may get used for kids before we would get to use it).

    I also have cousins who pretty much all have kids and I see them pretty frequently for big family meals and I would never use any other their names either. It would be so awkward to me. Pretty much the same as siblings. And I mean I wouldn't want my grandma to have two Morgans for example.

    Next step is like 2nd/3 rd cousins. I see them for large family holidays three times a year and for bridal/baby showers/weddings. I personally wouldn't use any of their names or their children's names either. I mean there is like one repeat among all of us and it won't be that bad on holidays, however I just personally would avoid it unless it was my absolute favorite name or something like that.

  • As a fn? Absolutely not. Mn only if it was to honour a deceased relative.
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  • I would not do it.  SIL has a DD named Julie and one of my favorite names is Juliet, but I didn't use it because it's too similar. 
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  • Maybe I'd use it as a middle name but definitely not a first name. 

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  • A sibling? No. That would tick me off if my brother or sister (in-law) did that with the number of names that there are to choose from. 
  • No, but we are all very close in proximity to one another.

    However, DH loves Allison and I have a cousin Allison who is now 22; at first I thought it was strange but really, it's not like she's 22 months old and they'll be growing up together and playing together in school, etc.


  • No, I would not.
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    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I wouldn't use the same name as my sisters. Were close

    and see each other about once a week. I have over 

    50 first cousins, and some have the same name. We 

    only get together once or twice a year so its nbd. 


    Baby boy 7.10.13
  • No, I definitely wouldn't. I don't think I'd consider using it as a middle name either.


  • The only names that are off limits to me are my nieces and nephews.  I would use the name of a friend's kid or even distant relatives.  But my siblings?  No way.  
  • My nieces/nephews first names are off limits.  Middle names are fair game if it so happens that it's one we love.  Our cousins or their kids's names are 100% fair game regardless.  Even friends names are fair game.

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  • I have a FB friend who named her DD Emily. A couple of years later, FB friend's SIL (who they see constantly and the kids share the same grandparents) named her DD Emma. I know it's too different names, but to me, even that's a little too close. I want my kids to be unique and have his/her own identity.

    That being said, DS's name is also DH's uncle's name. DH was adamant that we name him that to honor DH's grandfather, who was very highly decorated in the military. DS and the uncle go by two different NNs though, which I made sure of from the very beginning. And DS's MN is DH's other grandfather's name, so everyone knew what we were doing with the full name.

    Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)

  • We have a very small family.  All the brothers/sisters/inlaws of brothers and sisters add up to 6 total.  So I wouldn't use any name that they used for their children. And I take it a step farther, my there are so many Charles in my BIL's family, we won't even use Charlotte.  (Although I'm trying to convince my brother to use it if he ever has a girl.)
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  • imageAwBeth:
    The only names that are off limits to me are my nieces and nephews.  I would use the name of a friend's kid or even distant relatives.  But my siblings?  No way.  
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