Most of Kawaiis are just a regular one size, like any other brand. Most people agree that OS doesn't usually fit well until at least 10 lbs. Kawaii does make Pure and Naturals and a bamboo diaper (can't remember the name, something like little green bamboo) which are cut smaller and should work for a newborn. I didn't CD during the newborn stage, though, so I can't vouch for them.
Kawaii pure and naturals would fit a newborn. The one-size ones most likely won't...they run bigger than BG in my experience. I'm getting all Kawaii P&N for my next baby, though.
They could fit most newborns but not necessarily all newborns. My lo wasn't early but was quite small and her P&Ns were way too huge. Even a few weeks ago I tried them on her again and when she peed it came straight out the leg hole. This week she is finally wearing them and they are fitting perfectly on the tightest setting with the velcro overlapped.
For newborns, prefolds with a jelly roll fold are your best bet.
That is, if you want your LO to have a wetness rash all the time, if you have a LO with sensitive skin. Honestly, if I'd only owned prefolds, I would have stopped CDing after 2 weeks because of the rashes my LO got in her prefolds, which were cleared right up once we started either using liners (a pain with prefolds) or only putting her in suedecloth or fleece lined diapers.
We used PFs just fine with no rashes. You can use a barrier cream if you have trouble. My LO had big issues with suede cloth until she was 6 months.
Baby boy H is here! Born 2/1/2014
Mysterious_wife: "And for the love of all things that sparkle, remove your last name" on BOTB.
Re: Kawaii newborn
They could fit most newborns but not necessarily all newborns. My lo wasn't early but was quite small and her P&Ns were way too huge. Even a few weeks ago I tried them on her again and when she peed it came straight out the leg hole. This week she is finally wearing them and they are fitting perfectly on the tightest setting with the velcro overlapped.