Cloth Diapering

Prefolds only families?

I'm wondering if there's anyone out there that's gone either primarily (over 70% of your stash) prefolds and covers, or higher than that?

Maybe I've just got crap diapers, but I honestly find prefolds & covers to be the simplest in our home and am curious to know if anyone is a primarily prefold or prefold only family.


Re: Prefolds only families?

  • We've only been at this 6 weeks or so, and I prefer my prefolds over the pockets and 1 AIO we have. My husband does too. He thinks the pockets are silly because you use them once and everything goes into the wash.  I don't mind the pockets at all, their ease is nice, but I prefer the simplicity of the prefolds as well.

    In terms of numbers, we have 24 prefolds in the yellow edge and 6 pockets we are using now. I have 50 generic DSQ prefolds in the next size up, so we are vastly a prefold family in numbers too. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My stash is mainly pockets, but I stuffed with prefolds all the time until I replaced my inserts. And I love a trifolded prefold in a cover.

    I just don't like folding prefolds.

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  • We have prefolds and flip covers, and alvas. We prefer the prefolds, because DD has some crazy EBF poo. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    Me-29 PCOS, pituitary adenoma, high prolactin.
    DH-33 low count.
    Not currently TTC.
    DD born August 2012 via IVF. HoH, aided, ASL/spoken English.

  • We use prefolds and covers most of the time except when DD is at daycare, she has pockets. It was just to make it easier for them. We do have one grovia AI2 that we use when DD hasn't pooped in a while. She always poos in that one with out fail. :-P
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  • imageChickypoo2468:
    My stash is mainly pockets, but I stuffed with prefolds all the time until I replaced my inserts. And I love a trifolded prefold in a cover. I just don't like folding prefolds.
    But you have to fold them to stuff...?? Why don't you like folding prefolds lol. You could just stack them and trifold as you go.

    No, I meant any fold more complicated than trifolding or padfolding.

    Plus, while I like my prefolds, I like my bamboo better, so I tend to go with those inserts because they're trimmer. I mainly only use a trifolded insert anymore in the morning, when I wrap it around a hemp insert. It's pretty bulky, but A pees almost as much in the morning as she does all night, I swear.

    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • I love my prefolds and covers for the weekend and nights.

    However, daycare needs to change the whole diaper, so I send her there with pockets.  If I did prefolds and covers, I would still need to send her with 5 covers each day.

     If I was a stay at home mom, I would probably be 90% prefolds and few pockets for out and about.  I like the fact that I can fold up a pocket completely and put it in my wetbag when I'm changing her outside of the house.

  • I have 100 prefolds in rotation right now. I bought a kawaii pocket to try because she'll need something else for when she goes to day care, but haven't used it at all yet. I don't have any issues with prefolds.
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  • Most of my stash is prefolds and Thirsties covers.  I have 3 fitteds that I bought used from Kelly's Closet that I haven't used yet (still too big), and 2 AIOs that I got for free with orders from KC.  I also have some Thirsties and JoeyBunz doublers.  The only thing we've uses so far are prefolds and occasionally a doubler.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

  • Prefold and flats here! Though I do use pockets while on the road for convenience. Prefolds and flats are such a PITA on the road (to me, anyway). But yeah, overall, I've had the most success doing it old-school.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit Ticker
  • We use only PFs. We have a few other things, but they never get used.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We're 75% prefolds and love them, mainly b/c they're economical, ease of washing and no stink/drying issues, and containing EBF poo. I do have a few cotton fitteds for going out and have starting using pockets at night stuffed with a natural fibers liner b/c they keep DD's skin drier for being 4+ hours in 1 diaper.
  • I initially HATED prefolds/covers. They were way too bulky on my daughter but after 6 months when my pockets started leaking and no amount of stripping fixed the issue, I went back to the prefolds and haven't had an issue since. I now LOVE prefolds and they are what we use with covers 100% of the time. 
    Stephanie Ella ~ 6/15/2012
  • I kinda wish I didn't spend so much on pockets and AIOs now.  We could have easily done well with 10 less pockets.  It's still nice to have some because DH prefers pockets and they'll be good for babysitters/daycare/grandparents.  But I really like my prefolds/covers.  They're way easier to get clean in my HE washer.  And they take up a lot less space when travelling.  They're easier to dunk and swish when the diaper sprayer isn't nearby too.


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