Hello all. I was on this board when TTC my DD (now almost 21 months) and found it my favorite place on TB.
I'm back again TTC #2. Now 40 and hoping for a successful journey this time. We did not use any preventative measures after my 6 week postpartum appointment. But I was, and still am, BF'ing. After she reached a year, I called our RE to schedule an appointment. I O but am just not getting KU. DH is perfect. I have not told the RE that I'm still nursing. I know that it may impact fertility, but it really shouldn't at this point. I am actively working on weaning her, but it is a slow and difficult process. She is stubborn, like both her parents.
Anyway, I have just finished my 3rd unsuccessful round of Clomid/TI. My FSH is 7.06, Estrogen 23.3. My RE doesn't check AMH. Thyroid is normal. I O'd perfectly on round 1, not at all on round 2, and O'd but with low P4 on cycle 3. Because of my age, RE didn't want to waste any time. So after a BFN last time, he wanted to have a meeting to discuss IUI/IVF. I asked for a cycle to just contemplate. We are just going to TTC the old-fashioned way this time. After that, I don't know what he will suggest. I'm hoping IUI for at least a few tries, as IVF would be OOP and therefore impossible for us.
Looking forward to getting to know you ladies...
Re: Re-intro to board
Hi and welcome! COngrats on your lo
I hear you on the IVF not an option, it isn't for us either because if $$ and insurance.
Hope you are successful!
My Ovulation Chart
Me: 41 DH: 46. We are TTC our 1st, started July '11,
3 cycles clomid with Ob,
1 cycle Tamoxifen with Ob,
Diagnosed PCOS 11/5/12
clomid, trigger & timed bd 12/12 BFN
1st clomid IUI 1/4/13 BFN.
2nd clomid IUI 2/13 cancelled didn't respond to clomid.
3/15/13 scheduled laparoscopy & on bcp.
May 10 IUI from injectibles - BFN
May 22 done with interventions it will either happen or it won't.
February 2014 No longer actively trying, but not preventing.
SURPISE BFP 4/2/2015!!!!!!!!!!
Miscarriage 4/23/15
Hi welcome back to the board. I thought I read somewhere that BF'g does impact TTC. I hope you can ween your LO off the breast soon
I agree IVF is very expensive OOP - we are not covered for it either, only IUI and that is unfortunately not an option for DH & I (RE said it would be a waste of time & $). My DH will pay for IVF if I want to do it, but with the odds being at best 15% it is really tough to even take that chance. If it was 50% I wouldn't think twice, but 15% is not at all promising. Losing all that money by getting a BFN would be totally depressing & I know DH is very concerned it will affect me emotionally too much and cause issues in our marriage.
BF'ing may or may not have an impact in my case. My DD is older, so I'm already not producing much milk. I've scheduled a prolactin level test to see if it's a factor. Also, just found out our insurance will cover $25k in IF costs after we meet our deductible. Very excited about that!
Does the RE think that even with ICSI (your sig) your chances are 15%? I see that you have MFI, is that the reason?