November 2012 Moms

Ticklish baby

My LOs ribs are ticklish, muhahha... Really ticklish. I knew he'd wiggle when he was little but today I had some great laughs and wiggles. Cracked me up! I love it!!

Also I think my LO found his toes! He was laying on the couch last night with his butt and legs curled up in the air grabbing at them. I've been playing with him showing him his feet all month. It was adorable. He did it again this morning, so I put his rattle "shoes" on him that a friend gave me. Not sure if they will keep his attention, but I love to watch my lil man grow..... It just feels like its all happening to fast!!!


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Re: Ticklish baby

  • Aww, I hope you get some soon! I do the silliest stuff, but anything to get a laugh out of my lil one is worth it. His laugh makes me laugh. :) 

    Hope you get some big ones soon!! 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We have very similar little guys!  Smile  I got my first real belly laugh last night when I discovered how ticklish he is just below his armpits!  Absolutely melted my heart....I had to make him do it over and over again!! 

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  • Aww that's great, I love it. Our boys are very a like! Lol

    my LO loves watching my 4yr old nephew, he got his first crack up laughs out of him, just by going crazy jumping around Sunday I believe. I love hearing that laugh! 

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Benjamin stares at his feet and will kick every blanket off until he can see them. But he isn't playing with them yet. I want him to because I think it's adorable! And, I keep trying to tickle him and he looks at me like I'm a weirdo. Haha
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  • My LO is ticklish too! I tickle his ribs, arm pits, and even his thighs. It is the easiest way to make him laugh, so I do it all the time. He also giggles when I pull shirts over his head when I am dressing him. I think his neck is a little ticklish too, or he just likes the feeling of the shirt coming over his head. Either way, it cracks me up!
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Tonight my best girl friend got R to belly laugh by blowing raspberries on her neck... and we both cried. One of those moments.
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