I ordered a few itti bittis in ivory and they arrived the other day. I am in sweet bee bee love with these diapers. But, I thought I read something on this board about someone washing a red-colored itti bitti on hot and it turned her other diapers pink.
Before I put a bunch of brightly-colored itti bittis in my cart... do the colors run?
Re: Do itti bittis bleed?
I just got a red itti bitti and washed it with my other dipes without a problem...
did you wash on hot or cold?
I washed the inserts with my regular laundry to prep but the red cover went in with my dirty diapers- warm prewash, hot/cold wash cycle.
unfortunately the load that included the inserts and my new grovia bamboo prefolds also had a dark green tablecloth in it that DID bleed, so now all my inserts and prefolds are mint green
I wonder when the new itti bitti colors will be available? It was supposed to be "early 2013" but I can't find them. Phooey. I've got my eye on "wasabi".