Attachment Parenting

Difficulty getting toddler back to sleep - HELP!

So I'm new here, but I've been lurking for a loooong time! Anyway, my daughter is a year and has been sleeping in mine and DH room/bed since she was born. She always woke in the middle of the night, usually around 3ish, to eat (I was EPing and bottle-feeding her) but when she was done she would promptly go back to sleep. About a month ago, she began having a very difficult time going back to sleep. She still wakes up around 3ish to eat but after the bottle is finished, she wants to play and when myself or DH tries to rock her or lay her with us in bed, she cries and refuses to go back to sleep. This will go on for a while - sometimes up to 1.5 - 2 hours! We both work during the day, so this is killer for us. I DO NOT agree with CIO, which is what everyone around us is telling me to do. I'm ok with her staying in our room/bed but I just need her to go back to sleep!! Any advice??

Re: Difficulty getting toddler back to sleep - HELP!

  • My son was the same at that age. We had his cot right against the bed on my side of bed. After feeding I would just lie down and pretend to sleep. You're not letting them cry it out as you are right there but just not communicating in any way. My son realised he'd get no more attention after 3 nights of crying quite a lot. Good luck !
  • Maybe buy the gro clock and read her the story? 

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