Cloth Diapering

not a fan of my gdiapers

I wasn't planning on reselling any of my CDs anytime soon because we plan on having another LO down the road, but I think my gdiapers are most likely going to have to go. I don't like them, and I can't seem to find an insert that fits in them without having to spend the money on the gdiapers brand for inserts.

Does anyone else have gdiapers, and if so, what inserts do you use? Gdiapers inserts, other or both? 

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Re: not a fan of my gdiapers

  • I was given some gDiapers and I did use them for the first month.  I just retired them as my LO has outgrown them.  They weren't my favorite, but what I did was fold up Gerber birdseye flats (also a gift) and tucked them into the gDiapers plastic shell.  This worked well during the daytime when we were home and I could change her frequently. I used a fleece liner to make it more comfy.
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  • I had some for a couple weeks. I got rid of them. I don't try that hard to like something - I didn't like the design.
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  • Most PFs will fit into them, you just need the right size. Gdiapers worked really well for us, but I wasn't a fan of the way the liner snaps in and out. We did you the gcloth inserts, and never had any problems with them.
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  • W have a bunch of gdiapers and I like them. They're not the first diaper I reach for, but they do get used plenty. I use prefolds, flats, and official g cloth liners. The g cloth are the trimmest, then flats, and I find prefolds to be pretty bulky in them. When he outgrew the absorbancy on the smalls, I got some inserts from cottonwoodbaby that have an extra layer of hemp and those lasted until he outgrew the small size. Now in mediums, the medium g cloth lasts him 2 hours. W had a surprise nap in one once and three hours later he had soaked it, but hadn't leaked.  

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  • imageviolajack:

    W have a bunch of gdiapers and I like them. They're not the first diaper I reach for, but they do get used plenty. I use prefolds, flats, and official g cloth liners. The g cloth are the trimmest, then flats, and I find prefolds to be pretty bulky in them. When he outgrew the absorbancy on the smalls, I got some inserts from cottonwoodbaby that have an extra layer of hemp and those lasted until he outgrew the small size. Now in mediums, the medium g cloth lasts him 2 hours. W had a surprise nap in one once and three hours later he had soaked it, but hadn't leaked.  

    do you use gdiapers primarily? Or do you use anything else? FTM mom here, overwhelmed by all the options out there. A good friend of mine uses gdiapers, so it's about the only the kind I'm really familiar with, but I'm also looking at getting some ?prefolds? and thirsties covers...

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  • I didn't like my gdiapers at all.
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  • imageMamatreelove:

    do you use gdiapers primarily? Or do you use anything else? FTM mom here, overwhelmed by all the options out there. A good friend of mine uses gdiapers, so it's about the only the kind I'm really familiar with, but I'm also looking at getting some ?prefolds? and thirsties covers...

    No. I tend to reach for my flips first. I use the gs if I'm feeling lazy and want ready to go Velcro diapers. I have 6 medium g pants and 10 cloth liners, so I just keep a stack of them stuffed and ready to go. Whenever I use one, I toss the cloth liner in the wet bag then hang the outer shell with the plastic liner still snapped in to dry. At some point during the day, I'll re stuff the dry shells. My husband will reach for them first. He got used to using them when we used the smalls to bridge the gap between our newborn and one size stash. 

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  • Babies r us has gdiaper supplies on sale right now. :
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  • I have one g-diaper cover and use either trifolded prefolds or padfolded flats in it.  Works great. 
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  • They were a good deal! We got some in the smaller sizes to see if we end up liking them! :)

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