Hello Ladies! I have been lurking more than posting for the last few months cause I cry almost at every post still. I am so sorry that there are new loss moms here and hugs to you all.
I have been super anxious about this new pregnancy and so worried that I had to take a break from the Loss Board....and as I'm nearing my loss mildstone, It's getting hard again and I keep thinking more and more about my little girl. I have had a few break downs this week thinking I should have a 4 month old, and little girl cloths, and I CONSTANTLY wonder what my little girl would look like. Me? my DH? brown eyes? dark hair? No hair like my DS at that age?
How do you think about this stuff with out breaking down in tears? If I think about it, I start balling. The only way I can't cry about her is to try to not think about her (which I don't like). I try to focus on this new one, but then I feel like I am cheating on her. And then I feel really guilty cause I am lucky enough to have another baby on the way and I am super thankful for him, but he is not her.
Sorry if I am rambling.....but these last few weeks have been hard and I am missing her more and more and want to hold her again so bad.
Thank you for listening even if I am making crazy talk. I was going to post on the Pregnant after a Loss board, but didn't want to be a debbie downer and I am feel like I am having more emotions over my Loss than my new pregnancy. I just miss her so much and want to go back to when everything was fine and there was no worry. Where she was tucked away fine in my belly, safe and warm and my future.
Re: **Ticker Warning** Sorry I have been so absent
That is the tricky part about being pregnant after a loss like ours. You want your rainbow so badly but yet still miss and want your baby that you lost. I want to tell you that it gets easier but it really doesn't and for that I am so sorry. Being PGAL is so hard the stress of possibly losing the new baby is there all the time even after birth. The emotions are so raw and it makes you feel crazy at times. My rainbow is 3 months now and while I still am sad about losing Sydney I try not to compare them as much as possible they were so different and are different babies and pregnancies. IF you ever want to talk you can PM me I am here if you need someone.
I felt this way when I first got pregnant. I was so worried about miscarriage and all the things that could go wrong. Once I passed the 1st Tri I thought I was in the clear and all I had to do was grow a baby and continue to support, love and help her grow. I lost my little girl at 26 weeks.
The horrible truth is something bad can always happen. People die from all kinds of things. I am terrified of getting pg again because of the likelihood of what could happen. You just have to try as hard as you can to be positive. It's not possible to do all the time but think of all the people in the world. So many babies grow up to be thriving children and then adults. I don't want to discourage you but to help you see that worry as much as it is unavoidable doesn't help you. Loving that little one that is growing inside of you is all you can do. You can take the best care you possibly can of it. I don't want to sound discouraging in any way. I don't want to be pushy either. There will always be bad days. But eventually and hopefully the good days will outnumber the bad.
and GBCB
BFP 8/2/12 EDD 4/9/13 Addie was delivered 1/4/13 at 26 weeks due to Eclampsia
BFP 9/15/14 EDD 5/28/15 Please be our R A I N B O W take home baby BOY
~All AL always welcome~